All Things Audio podcast

Episode 66

Madalyn Sklar 0:03

Hey, this is Madalyn Sklar

Suze Cooper 0:05

and Suze Cooper

and you're listening to All Things Audio.

Madalyn Sklar 0:13

We've got breaking breaking news, as you were saying in our little at the beginning here breaking breaking news, two things coming from Twitter Spaces. So let's just dive right in. We did report recently, I think it was just a few weeks ago that Twitter Blue, which is the subscription service that some of us have access to is not available everywhere yet. But if you're in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, we currently have the ability to pay a small monthly fee and get extra features. And by subscribing to Twitter, Blue, they have this thing called Twitter, Blue Labs. And we reported back on September 12, Twitter Blue tweeted out in saying, Listen up, podcasts are coming to Twitter, now available in Twitter, blue labs members on iOS. So this was at the time, iOS only get early access to try the redesigned Twitter Spaces tab, where it's combining podcast themed audio stations, and live and recorded Spaces. You and I already had access to this, it seemed like other Spaces hosts were already having access to that to it. And then they added Twitter Blue subscribers, which I thought was interesting. And I thought well, you know, they should use Twitter blue subscribers to try things out. Because they do have this section in their code labs, where not everybody gets access to these things only Twitter blew subscribers and he listed out in labs, like the ability to have higher resolution videos and being able to have your NFT as a profile and being able to connect it to your to your NFT Wallet. So things like that. And we hear that in edit buttons coming soon for Twitter, blue subscribers as part of this labs. So literally minutes ago, Twitter blue, just put out a tweet, quote tweeting this original tweet from September 12, talking about iOS having early access to this to this tab. And they're saying the redesigned Spaces tab is now available to members on Android. So it really only took a few weeks for them to go ahead and add Android instead of this long drawn out, like we usually see where you know, iOS gets first access, or maybe Android gets first access. And then we have to wait a while for the other to gain access. They do mention if you are on an Android, be sure to update your app. So what are your thoughts on this? Because I know you and I we have very conflicting thoughts about this new tab. We're not big fans of it. But they're adding Android. So seems like they're just pushing through and they're going forward with this new town. Yeah.

Suze Cooper 2:47

And they're not ready. No, they are not ready. I mean, I get what you're saying about them having the lab section and that those people will be expecting something that's perhaps a bit buggy and not fully formed. And that kind of thing within Twitter blew, but they're still paying subscribers, and they're still expecting something that you know, is going to be useful to them and usable. It's not not usable. But it's definitely not there. Yeah, I mean, the unless they've got a different version of the audio tab that, you know, I've got sight of as we know, even between you and me, we might not have the same beta version of something that Twitter's trying out. And so potentially, they've moved it on. They've made some improvements. Maybe in some tweaks, I'm kind of doubtful about that. Like, I just feel like the Audio tab still needs a lot of work. You know, I think we're going to be talking about it a bit more later on, in all things audio, but it's it's just really not there yet Madalyn ism.

Madalyn Sklar 3:44

No, it's not. And I'm curious with our listeners here, who has it I would love for those that are live with us to hit the little purple bubble and comment in the chat and let us know if you're listening to the replay later or the podcast version. Since Susan i a tweet or DM because I'm really curious how many people have access to this new tab? And what do they think because you and I are not big fans. We've talked to other people that are not fans. It is still the same soon as I was playing around with it yesterday thinking, well, there was a new iOS update yesterday. Maybe they made some changes to it. And sadly, I don't see anything different about it.

Suze Cooper 4:21

Yeah, I mean, it's still giving those those predefined algorithmic episodes. It's still auto playing Spaces are still very much hidden. Me and Sadad actually had a good chat about it. Late last week over on clubhouse about like, what do they think they're doing really? Yeah, it's not completely clear. And I don't think it was ready for a rollout to Twitter blue, either on iOS or on Android. I think they still needed to be adapting and making some changes to it. That's my opinion, anyway. Yeah.

Madalyn Sklar 4:53

Yeah. And so that's part of our breaking breaking news. The other breaking breaking news because it's all happened In the last half hour is also new from Twitter. Twitter has paused ticketed Spaces, they put out a note about it, which I shared in the nest. And then you tweeted about it. Susan had interesting things to say about it is interesting that this went out. This tweet is actually is not available, technically to the public because it went out to a community. And I thought that was very interesting and surprising that the Twitter Spaces profile has not publicly announced it. This this piece of information came earlier from Jennifer and a variety, she brought it to our attention in a group DM to let us know. And it took me a few minutes to realise this as a community tweet, I put it in the nest, but I see it's not showing up. I do have it in our Twitter moments. Recap with all the tweets. If you are part of the Twitter Spaces feedback community, you'll see that in Twitter moments, because I added it in. But I went ahead and did tweet, linking to the note because it is a Twitter note, which is a new feature coming soon as basically like a mini blog, and they talk about it and that should be public. I don't think anybody's going to have an issue being able to click on it or tap on it from my tweet and access it where they go into detail. Basically says they're stopping twig ticket Spaces. I I have access to it. But honestly, I haven't used it yet. I've been trying to figure out what would I use it for is basically charging a fee to have your Twitter Space. Is that something you would have liked? Because you don't I think it's just us only right now is how they were doing it. So if you had access to it, would you would you have used it?

Suze Cooper 6:41

Yeah, it never reached me. I was continually on the waiting list, which initially was apparently 10 days long. But 10 Days turned into 10 weeks, 10 months. And nothing, as you say not really available this side of the pond, I think. But yeah, I might have given it a go. I mean, I don't know I'm terribly British about these things. Like, would I charge money for Spaces? I'm not? I'm not sure if I would a bit like I don't kind of false the fact that there's tip jar and I've got a coffee thing, you know, I mean, it's kind of one of those things you need to kind of make it part of your patter or make it part of the strategy for why you're using social audio and using Spaces and you know, really think something through like that if you're going to be taking people's money. That's kind of how I would approach it. I would certainly have loved to have given it a go see whether or not anyone would have paid some money for, for listening to I don't know some kind of roundtable or masterclass about podcasting or social audio or sound design or any of the other bonkers things that are going on in my mind all the time. But just the fact that they've closed it, I just instantly felt like, you know, I mentioned Tip Jar there, you know, that was kind of our initial, okay, how are we going to monetize this? Because generally on these platforms, that's what we're looking for an outlet somewhere, like how can we put these call to actions out in a tweet? And, you know, turn that back into a return on investment? If you like? Well, for Spaces? There was still that conversation very early on if it What if we weren't talking about sound quality, we were talking about how we could monetize them. So Tip Jar came along, and people connected their Bitcoin wallets and Patreon and you know, there's very limited number of kind of things that you could attach to it on on the other side. Certainly over here in the UK. Anyway, Pay Pal I think came and went for us, which was unfortunate. So ticketed Spaces seemed like the next level to that like tip jars sort of faded a bit and ticketed Spaces were discussed an awful lot people started talking about how they might use them. There was a really interesting idea that potentially people could be holding kind of conference type events on Spaces and selling tickets for them all of those kinds of things. But yeah, kind of dead in the water again. I mean, we we discussed some stats last week, as we had have been from Spaces dashboard over the last few weeks. And, and amongst the hundreds of 1000s of Spaces that we were talking about. We were talking about hitting like a million Twitter Spaces hosts last week. And I think Andrew gave us a figure of sort of 600 Something ticketed Spaces have been held in in the last month or so. And, you know, that seemed like such a drop in the ocean in such a small number. And then this week to hear that they're actually sunsetting the whole thing. Yeah, it's an interesting move.

Madalyn Sklar 9:30

It really is. I'm looking at Spaces Dashboard stats page, real easy to access Because yeah, we did talk about this just recently here in this space. And at the towards the bottom of the stats, there is a section that says ticketed Spaces. That number you're talking about Soos is the total that's not a monthly I'm looking at right now.

Suze Cooper 9:52

Oh right. It was a total our total.

Madalyn Sklar 9:55

Yes, total ticket is Spaces right now. 708 ticket did in the last seven days 22 ticketed in the last 24 hours five. So in the last 24 hours has been five Twitter Spaces total, where they charged a fee. It was a ticketed space. Only 22 in the last seven days 708 total. So I'm not surprised are sunsetting this because people are not using it,

Suze Cooper 10:20

Maybe only five people had access to it. I mean, you know, there's how many people actually...

Madalyn Sklar 10:25

Right? We don't know how many people they gave access, right? It would be nice to know, I've had access for a while it took a while though. I didn't get it right away. But eventually I got it. And I just kept thinking, Well, what what? What kind of Twitter space would I hold? Where I'm going to charge a fee? And are people gonna be willing to charge a fee? And of course, I thought about just experimenting, because that's what I'm very big on doing. But it went back to well, are there enough hours in the day for me to really do an experiment like this? So I just kept putting it off. And maybe they had plenty of people with access. And they were like me, like having ideas about it, but just never did execute? really no way to know I would be curious to know how many could have done a ticketed space? Like, was it out of the 708? Total? Well, are there only like 500 or 1000? Twitter users that have access to this? Or are we talking about 10s? Of 1000s? Like, we don't even know that number?

Suze Cooper 11:21

Yeah, exactly. You know, what, what's the ratio we're looking at here?

Madalyn Sklar 11:26

Exactly, exactly. But but when you look at the big picture, 708 total, that that's a pretty low number. And I'm sure they're like, why would here's the thing, they're like, why are we pouring resources into this when we can be pouring resources into another aspect of Spaces? Maybe the new audio tab, for instance, make it better, you know? So maybe it's just shifting things around to really focus on what's working, which is less less focus on what what's working good, what are our Spaces hosts, giving us for feedback, and less, you know, hyper focus on those things, ticket Spaces. Sounds like a great idea, but not enough people are doing it. And keep in mind it was to generate income not only for creators, but for Twitter. Twitter did this to bring money in for themselves.

Suze Cooper 12:12

Yeah, very, very true. Because they were taking a percentage weren't they?

Madalyn Sklar 12:16

Yes. And so their return on the investment is not very high here. Not a very good ROI. So yeah, interesting, though, that this just came out today. So you can read the note, though, attached to my tweet, plus news, you had this nice commentary of got your tweet in the nest, you want to talk a little bit about your thoughts on all this stuff?

Suze Cooper 12:34

Yeah, I guess this was a bit of a stream of consciousness off the back of that announcement, really. It just made me think about how it feels a bit like the social audio that we've got coming out of the traditional platform. So Twitter, and LinkedIn are really kind of sitting on the fence with it right now, there seems to be some real rocky ground going on. In both the Twitter camp and the LinkedIn camp in terms of the staffing, there's lots of reshuffles and lots of changes. And I feel like that the echoes of that are kind of rippling through a little bit, it feels a bit shaky, and like they're not entirely sure where to focus their attention, or actually that they've got that focus anymore. Maybe, maybe I'm being unfair, I don't know, but just kind of thinking about the things that are coming and going that the the audio tab thing, the Spaces tab disappearing. I don't know it doesn't seem to have quite so much of a headstrong focus on it as as it did have. So yeah, this this tweet kind of came out of those thoughts. Really, you know, I've said, Twitter, as I say, seems to they seem to be just concentrating on this predefined podcast listening rather than pushing their very own audio product that they've created in Spaces. They're trying to get us to listen to odd episodes of random podcasts in a tab that some people don't even know exists, which I don't know, it seems like a rather odd strategy to me over on LinkedIn. Apparently this is now a complete rollout and available for everybody who's got an account over there yet. There's very little mentioned about it on the actual platform very little recognition that it's there and that you could do anything with it no suggestions of how you might want to use it. And the silence from the product team continues to be deafening over there. I mean, I don't think I've ever spoken to anyone or heard anyone from LinkedIn actually on a social audio event over there talking about it, which are just find a little bit weird. Meanwhile clubhouse is really going great guns they're bringing out some fantastic new features I love houses. I'm I'm a bit on the fence about the lounge I've got to admit but um, you know, it's a work in progress is it's a new idea and they're giving it a go. I don't know I just feel like the longer clubhouse goes on, the longer it starts to build those communities and really strengthen those communities that we've kind of fallen back on. The traditional platforms and said, Well, that's what this you know, that's what Twitter's got going for it, you've already got your audience, you've already got your followers, the longer clubhouse goes on and continues to improve it sound quality Adobe, you know, and spatial audio, think about the different ways that people will interact communities within communities and roll that out when it's actually working and you know, an actual fully functional thing that you can form an opinion on, because it all works the way that they want it to. And it just feels like as a standalone app, maybe they've got more focus at the moment. Yeah, all of that just came together, literally 10 minutes before we hit the Go Live here this evening. So you're listening to it fully forming. I would love to hear what everyone in the in the space thinks. So if you've got opinions on that, when we finished recording the podcast section, then please do raise your hand. And I'd love to have a chat with you about it.

Madalyn Sklar 15:52

Yeah, I love this Twitter thread with your thoughts on it. I am basically shocked with LinkedIn, I think LinkedIn, if they really went all in on this, which it doesn't sound like they are. Why would they not put more into this and be had this very front and centre? I had no idea. This is now available to everyone? I haven't heard about it. Until you mentioned it in this tweet. Why are they not be more vocal? They could be a big player in the social audio space. And I think LinkedIn is a great platform for this if they do it. Right. So it's just very surprising to me, for sure. And I agree with you on clubhouse. I think clubhouse is doing everything right, it feels like clubhouse is just doing that. Baby steps always go on upward, right, just always moving forward. Whereas LinkedIn is like, we don't know what to do. We're gonna put this out there, but we're not gonna tell anybody. And we're gonna, like, let other people kind of run this and and bring people together instead of be more like, let's start our own community and make sure our LinkedIn users know about this, and let's help them I'm just so surprised by that.

Suze Cooper 16:59

And let's be honest, I mean, clubhouse have had their reshuffles as well, we've seen pretty much you know, some of those key people who really were there, driving it forward in that first year have left and gone off and done other things now, and we have seen a switch and a change. And perhaps we did feel a bit of a pause with clubhouse at some time, but they're most certainly hitting the gas now. You know, I just it just feels a little bit uneasy over here at the moment. But then maybe this is the the impact that we were waiting for when we had all the Elon Musk conversations, Madalyn and we were saying oh, you know, we might not see much from Spaces for now. Maybe this is actually the repercussion of that these all these months down the line, you know, might not be that particular moment or that particular relationship happening, not happening, whatever. But maybe that's what we're experiencing and feeling now. It's just taking a while to filter through.

Madalyn Sklar 17:49

Right. That's a really great point. I think you're absolutely right on that. And then there was a tweet that hopefully had shared it. He has a co host on one of his weekly Twitter Spaces,

Suze Cooper 18:01

Gilad - his bio now says partnership and strategy at Twitter product. I think that is his new...

Madalyn Sklar 18:08

It must be new because it was spent he was on the Spaces team before Spaces and audio. He worked in audio and Spaces because he's an audio guy. So yeah, in this tweet, it was a clip a Spaces clip, talking about him moving team changing team so interesting that they are and maybe that's part of them pulling some of these resources not doing ticketed Spaces. Maybe they're just reshuffling the Spaces team. And so putting them into other places, which we knew with the whole Elon Musk thing months ago, they were they were shuffling people around people on this Spaces team that were there from the beginning on the product team were being moved to other areas, other departments, other product teams. But it looks like another shuffle has taken place.

Suze Cooper 18:56

Yeah, I mean, this really just underlies everything that we've already spoken about. Today already. I mean, he's it says that he's switching teams, and now working on other products as well as Spaces, which makes it sound like spaces is now a kind of being incorporated into other projects, as opposed to being perhaps on its own. I don't know if it was a standalone project previously, but the way that that's put makes me think, oh, perhaps they sort of rounded that up and brought that team in so that they're now working across a whole load of different things. Yeah, as I say, kind of underlies the other stuff that we've already mentioned today, I think.

Madalyn Sklar 19:34

Absolutely. And then next up a really, really interesting tweet from Jane Wong. And this was brought to our attention from Morgan with his EagleEye because I did not when I saw this tweet, I did not catch at first what he noticed. And if you look very carefully in this screenshot, Jane Jane Wong is talking about this new shopping button that Twitter's working on they're actually coming up with a a shopping a Twitter Are shops within the app, which is very interesting. I've already been reporting on this when I'm on social media examiner's talk show, they have their weekly talk show. It's a live stream. And they bring me on periodically to share the latest Twitter news. And so I've talked about this new shopping button that's being worked on. But in this new screenshot that Jane is showing, and just mind you, this is the behind the scenes, this is not something any of us will see live, is what they're working on. But if you look carefully on this new sidebar menu in the screenshot, you see podcasts in there where it actually says podcast. What are your thoughts on that, Suze? Because this is super interesting.

Suze Cooper 20:36

Yeah, it is. I just wonder whether or not obviously Jane is working on sort of reverse engineering stuff all the time. I wonder if it's just kind of a hangover, from where we'd seen it say that previously, because it had said podcasts hadn't. And so I wonder whether or not it's it's kind of not something that we'll actually see. But it's just kind of left there from from other tests and experiments. I mean, I personally think if they're going to, if they are going to bring podcasts in Twitter, which I'm starting to think is just not a good idea. But if they are going to do it, I think definitely, you know, splitting podcasts and Spaces into two separate tabs would be a good thing, rather than just having this audio tab, which just I know it does what it says on the tin, and it brings all the audio content under into one place. But unless you know about Spaces, you don't actually know everything about everything that's in there. Do you see what I mean? You'll just expect that those are podcasts. And as we've discussed before, some of those Spaces when you click on them, they're live and others aren't. And you can easily miss the live tag. So you could literally think, Oh, I'm listening to this podcast episode. And you're actually there as a listener, slap bang in in a space live, you might not want to appear in that space. And as we know, if it's been recorded your face and your profile and everything will appear in the replay. I just, as I said at the top like, I just don't think they've thought it all through completely. So yes, if this, if this is how it's going to look, and potentially we are going to get a separate podcast app, I think it is possibly a good idea, I still think they need to think through what they're doing with audio as a whole with bringing podcasts onto the platform, and with Spaces.

Madalyn Sklar 22:20

Agreed. You know, when I first saw this screenshot, I see podcasts on the left sidebar menu at the bottom. With the regular navigation, I see the other icon for Spaces. So I thought, okay, maybe they're testing the ability to break them up, we're going to still have our Spaces tab with the way we've had Spaces. And then podcasts will be separate instead of an audio tab, which is what they're testing in the wild right now. But you know, you're right. We this is a this is something they're doing behind the scenes. And this just could be leftover from how they were working something before. There's no way to know. But I just find it interesting that actually says podcasts. That's what really drew my attention to this. Wait, there's more, we have so much Twitter. So

Suze Cooper 23:04

we do we do and it's still me banging on about the audio tab. So Morgan actually bought this Ashley calm and peace to my attention. It's on It's an article about podcasts, companies buying listens through auto playing episodes. Now, the actual article is around this kind of concept that people are hitting on ads in in their games in app in app ads. And what that does is in the background, it downloads a podcast now for the person creating that podcast that is another download tick in their stats in their data. And of course podcasters lots and lots of podcasters are after those download figures and their listener stats so that they can go off to sponsorship or advertising in some way. So those stats are really, you know, quite important that there is accurate as they can be. Now this is certainly a sort of perhaps backhand way of mining those downloads, making those downloads appear kind of more inflated than potentially they could be. And so what this article reminded me of is the autoplay in the twister Audio tab, which is doing the exact same thing is clocking up as a listen on those episodes every time someone opens the tab and all you have to do is open one of those stations, and it's playing you something immediately. And you know, it only takes a minute or so before that clocks up as an official statistic for that podcast episode now. Okay, so one or two people at the moment on Well, I was gonna say one or two people at the moment on beta might have it we don't know how many people have it in beta. They've just rolled it out. As we've said, Twitter blew on iOS and Android. The further this goes with autoplay happening. It could have an impact on specific episodes of people's podcasts. And it's come kind of inflating stats and figures for people. I just feel like the designers behind the audio tab. I'm not sure they truly understand the behaviour of podcast listeners. You know, you've got to understand why people listen, how they listen, why they go to where they listen to listen. And I'm not sure that they're thinking about all of that. On Twitter, I think they're trying to align Spaces as podcasts with podcasts. And I'm not sure they're thinking about the bigger picture in terms of who is a podcast listener? What are they doing? Are they here on Twitter? Are they looking for podcasts on Twitter? No, I don't really think they are. If they come across something, maybe they'll listen, I was saying some something to someone the other day about this, how, if I was able to play someone's episode, like out from the timeline, and they tweeted it, then that's, that's the kind of behaviour I do expect, as opposed to having to go to a dedicated tab, where I can't search or select what podcast I want to listen to, I can't select an episode, I just get given this stuff to listen to. I don't know there's just so much I'd like to work with them on to make it a great thing for them. And to really get them to think about whether or not this would be a great thing for them. You know? It's it's super interesting, and also a little bit frustrating.

Madalyn Sklar 26:29

It is frustrating for sure. I don't like the how in this new tab, the auto plays at all, I think inflating the numbers. Terrible idea. And it just ties into this this tweet with this article about how podcast podcast companies are buying millions of listens through auto playing episodes from free mobile games. When I was reading this article, my heart just sank. is I just feel like that's cheating.

Suze Cooper 26:54

Yeah, I mean, it says in there that some networks are actually mining downloads in that way. So they're they're doing it on purpose to inflate the numbers. Of course they are because, you know, just like people in back in the day bought Twitter followers, I'm sure they still do. You know, all of that kind of thing. It doesn't really do you any good in the long run, because what you don't end up with is an engaged community or an engaged listenership, you know, which is what you really need to, to push yourself forward. But yeah, it's it's kind of sad to see it, but it just completely aligned in my head with the way that they've built this tab with this feature on it. And it's, you know, even on websites, that there's, you know, guidelines around why you don't have autoplay, when you spin up a website, I can't just have my audio playing straight off. You know, there's reasons why. And I just don't know why they would build that in craziness. Anyway, share via tweet is back for spaces on Android. And I'm excited about that, because I have actually missed it. I mean, I'm not on Android, so I'm hoping they're gonna bring it back to iOS as well. What do you think about this one Madalyn?

Madalyn Sklar 28:00

Yeah, interesting. I guess I just didn't realise that this was not available on Android, this does share your space via tweet. And there's some screenshots that Legion put in here. So you can see that little share icon. I do miss that on iOS. So hopefully, we'll get it back as well. But yeah, I just I'm so glad this tweet was discovered. So we would know that this was going on, I just totally blanked out on this one. This, this whole thing just went like right over my head.

Suze Cooper 28:30

Yeah, this is a big thanks to Legion. I didn't see either. But I have noticed in recent weeks that I've actually gone to tweet the space out when we've started because it can become a bit of a habit to do that. But of course, now it's the it's the purple entity, and it's not entity Spaces chat is Spaces chat down there. Now instead of being able to share the space, I guess it's because it automatically creates that card as part of the Spaces chat when you go live. But of course, if you then want to tweet out the space, further down the line, you know, you've been going for 15 minutes, half an hour, whatever it is, and you want to remind people that you're live, it's kind of difficult to do that. I mean, you can copy the link and you can share it back into the app and all of that. But when you're hosting, you're trying to think of 43 other things as well. You don't need 44 things to think about really.

Madalyn Sklar 29:18

Exactly, exactly. So I hope because he did this for Android, it'll come back to iOS as well because it is more difficult to go share a room when you're live in it. So was not a good idea on their part, for sure.

Suze Cooper 29:32

Certainly wasn't bright. We've got one bit of Clubhouse news from Morgan and I don't know a great deal about it, but I love the fact that it's happened. He tweeted out that clubhouse were pioneering Dolby Atmos surround sound on clubhouse, they were trialling this out last week. They were using binaural audio over their binaural renderers so that you could hear that kind of 360 experience in your headphones, which is really awesome. I love binaural recording is just incredible. If you've not heard binaural recording, it can really throw you because you can literally hear the sound coming from, you know, different directions. So yeah, really loving that they're trying this out. This was a listening room that he tweeted out, and I don't believe he's in the space to tell us any more about it today. But perhaps he can fill us in on it a bit more next week.

Madalyn Sklar 30:27

Yeah, I would definitely like to hear more about it. But it is super interesting news, for sure. So thank you to Morgan for sharing this with us. And then LinkedIn. You can play around with LinkedIn audio lately.

Suze Cooper 30:40

I did. I did. I cheated on Twitter Spaces on Monday morning and hopped across to LinkedIn.

Madalyn Sklar 30:46

How do you feel? Do you feel bad for cheating on Spaces?

Suze Cooper 30:50

It was a bit weird. It was odd. It certainly was not like, you know, getting into my comfy pair of slippers. It was a bit different. had to put my my work shoes on. So yeah, what I did like about it was the fact that they had a pre live area going on over there. And in fact, it took me about a minute or so to realise that I wasn't actually live, because I pressed the button to start the whole thing up. And yeah, it was I was just kind of sat there trying to work out how I was going to call people up and all that kind of thing. And realise that it had this grey square in the corner saying "pre live". So yeah, they've they've got the little green room area that we've discussed having over here. Madalyn, which was quite nice. I mean, as it was, I was doing this one by myself, I was basically talking about how to use audio to to boost your business, how to use podcasts and other audio content, you know, to for marketing and all sorts of different purposes. So I had kind of some bits that I'd got prepared for myself, I wasn't sure he was going to come along. It was a lot of fun. Michael de Groot, who is a regular here on all things audio, and usually in the audience and doing wonderful sketchnotes actually join me over there. And we had, we had a select group of listeners, but we did have some listeners come by, which was lovely. And we spoke all about his podcast, and did a little bit of joined up thinking around, you know, he wanted to boost a bit more business for the whiteboard animations that he does. So we spoke about how he could be talking a bit more about that in his podcast without sounding too salesy. And that was all really, you know, great, it was a great conversation. And really good fun to do in terms of actually having that social audio room live. I realised that over on LinkedIn, you've got to wait for someone to raise their hand before you can give them the mic. The emojis over there are still quite, you know, slow, they take a while to pop up. And then they stay there for ages and ages. And don't go away. And yeah, other than that, it was I was still on when I was on my air pods, but talking into my phone, and it felt a bit like being over here really had to remind myself I was on LinkedIn. But yeah, it's good to be over there. I'm gonna hopefully do a few more of those more regularly over there. So it was good fun.

Madalyn Sklar 33:13

Yeah. Well, that's awesome. I was so glad to see that you're doing this. First up. We've got George. Hey, George,

George Silverman 33:19

I have a couple of reactions and a question that the reactions will lead into. I think that they're the the lack of use of ticketed Spaces, probably with a lack of success probably comes from the fact I think it's a false negative. And it comes from the fact this is a hypothesis, just a guess. But if you look at two Spaces dashboard, at the titles of Spaces, they are pathetic. They are just terrible. And writing a topic for a space is like writing a headline. It can take hours over days. And it's an art. And it's something that people need to learn how to do if you're going to so anybody listening to this live or on the replay. If you're going to run Spaces, go and learn. There are gazillion people who will teach it to you, starting from David Ogilvy back in the day 50 years ago, but there are people who will teach you how to write headlines, learn how to do it. If you're going to run Spaces and attract people to Spaces now, ticketed Spaces require that people pay money, so they have to be incredibly more compelling. You got to write something that somebody will pay 100 bucks for. So they'll consider 10 bucks a real bargain and people are not doing it. So a lot of people who have tested it have got and false negatives, because it just wasn't that it didn't sound that attractive, or from somebody who has a known track record, or anything like that, and it's very expensive to attend a space, here's a space costs you an hour or two. And that, to me is a very big expense. It's a very big investment, most of the things I like to listen to on replay at at one and a half to two times speed, because of that, and I'm going to participate in one, it's because somebody's promised me something, I'm gonna get something from it. And that's in the headline. So that which leads me to the question of ticketing. Ticketed Spaces are not attractive to me, because I want to get mine skills out to the maximum number of people. But what is attractive to me is a super follows. And Spaces that are only available to my super follows. Do they have that yet? And if so, I'm quite interested in not because of the money, but because of the it will screen people. I want people in those in my mind skills, coaching sessions that are familiar with mind skills, what they are, what I'm trying to accomplish, and all that. So I want to use it as more of a selection tool.

Madalyn Sklar 36:21

Well, it's interesting that you mentioned super follows George, I'm so glad you brought that up. So earlier, in the beginning here, when we were talking about this tweet from, from Twitter blue, talking about how they're stopping the ticketed Spaces, you know, there's a note attached to it. I have it in the tweet, I added it to my tweet talking about this, I definitely recommend everybody to read this note. It's a new feature this notes not everybody has it yet. But it's like, basically like a blog inside of Twitter. And so Twitter Spaces talked about this. And one of the things they said was, how else can you monetize Twitter Spaces. And in addition to the tips feature that you can put on your profile, they said Additionally, if you have more than 10,000 followers, you can apply to be part of the super follows programme in which you can offer a monthly subscription for your bonus content and host exclusive exclusive super follows only Spaces for your subscribers. So Right. And that's fairly new, being able to host Spaces through that. So if you have super follows, I have the ability to do super followers too. I got that not too long ago, but I I'm thinking about doing Patreon. So if like, to me, this is just Patreon inside of Twitter. And with Patreon, you can do so much more. Whereas if you're doing super followers in Twitter, you're limited to bonus content. That's basically tweets just for your subscribers, as well as Spaces just for your subscribers. So I'm not so sure there's something I want to do.

George Silverman 37:50

I wonder if we gonna be able to do notes just for this?

Madalyn Sklar 37:52

Yeah, no, that's it right now. They're only testing with some big name authors. And some other well known like, like Matt, Matt, Navarra has access to it. But it's mostly just big authors, and is something that they've been testing for several months. I'm hoping they're going to open that up soon. Because I think this Notes feature will be a game changer for a lot of people on Twitter, especially for marketers, to be able to take your articles, your blogs, and any kind of long form content and put it into your Twitter I think could be really big. For now we could only long form content we could do is Spaces, and the newsletter feature that they integrated through the company called review that they integrated they bought several years ago, integrated into Twitter, under the Twitter business, was it called Twitter for professionals. If you go to your navigation on desktop or mobile, you see Twitter for professionals, everybody now has access you can turn that on. And one of the features is to integrate this newsletter feature that so there's a right now we have a couple of ways of doing long form content, but this nut should be coming soon. But yeah, George to answer the question. Apparently, if you have super follows you can host Spaces just for your subscribers.

George Silverman 39:08

Well, thanks. I'm gonna go apply for that right away. Thanks.

Madalyn Sklar 39:11

Absolutely. Well, thank you for joining us. Next up is Jennifer. Hey, Jennifer.

Jennifer Navarrete 39:16

Hey, I wanted to share some of the that green room slash area and kind of how I use it. Since LinkedIn audio does not record. I'm always going to livestream what I'm doing so that way gets repurposed and I did an actual LinkedIn live audio, half an hour session at lunchtime today and I multicast that to Twitter and then back to my profile on LinkedIn but that little pre time suit is what I'm using that for is no matter when I size where I size the window to show up on my video because I have a little overlay. Inevitably it is not exactly centred and not exactly right once I go live, so I use that little greenroom time to kind of fixate it in the right so that it's centred and looks sized properly. And then I will actually go live on the audio. And then after I go live on the audio, then I will do the countdown. On the end, it's really just an intro like I don't have 20 seconds or 15 seconds of a little intro video slide with some music that then automatically feeds into the screen, and then I start the show. So I've found that if I want to make sure that the content that I'm creating doesn't die on the vine, because as you said, most people don't know LinkedIn audio exists, yet the content being shared is evergreen, then why wouldn't I make sure that it's there for the longer term. And so that's kind of how I'm using that pre time is really to prep for the live stream, which is a screenshare of what's happening during the live audio.

Suze Cooper 40:49

Yeah, that's super interesting, I have to admit, I really liked the fact that I wasn't recording on Monday. As it happened, I'd sort of scheduled it all on Sunday, and then completely forgotten that I was working from my co working space on Monday. So I couldn't use the setup that I have here at home. And I literally just had my air pods. So it was a real back to basics organic social audio experience for me. And I had no way of recording it. And I was quite happy with that. And I found in Clubhouse actually that I've been quite happy to be in in rooms sorry, that aren't aren't recorded completely. I mean, I'm such a hoarder of all kinds of things in colour, including sounds and audio, that, you know, capturing stuff has always been necessary for me. So it's a real step outside of my comfort zone to do this stuff and to not capture it. That said, the one thing I would like to do with it in future is potentially just record it for my own use, so that I can put it into otter neaten it up and turn it into a blog, because it's just such a neat way of repurposing your audio content and creating other content that I can then put onto my website. And that's available for everybody to see, you know, you get the SEO benefits, all of that stuff. So I do think in future if I can find a way of recording it, I will. But I was quite happy on Monday that it wasn't I guess it was also my first proper experience of hosting over there. So perhaps I didn't need an audio reminder of that for the future. Although it didn't go very well.

Madalyn Sklar 42:20

And real quick before Jennifer leaves us. I just want to give her a huge shout out because I'm looking at her header on her Twitter if for those that don't know this, first of all Jennifer's like big time podcaster and she is the founder of what's called NaPodPoMo which I remember hearing about through my g ood friend Kami Huysa years ago, Jennifer, that's how I first met you through Kami. And it was all about you doing this. So during the month of November, NaPodPoMo stands for National podcast post month, this is going to be your 15th year. Congratulations. Can you quickly tell everybody what that's all about?

Jennifer Navarrete 42:53

Yeah, thank you. Sure. NaPodPoMo is an opportunity for new podcasters or folks thinking that they might be podcasters to fail fast, get good and a safe community space through this 30 Day podcasting challenge. It's an opportunity for seasoned podcasters like myself, to experiment with new tools, new techniques, new show ideas, and to also fail fast get good in a safe community space because and the really beauty beautiful thing about it is that you have this wide range of folks coming together trying to accomplish this challenge of creating 30 podcast episodes in 30 days. And it's just a really fast and wonderful group. And it only happens once a year. And then once this is over, we do a celebration where we give away some prizes and giveaways together like the Saturday right after it's over. And then we're done until next year. So as far as community and challenges go for me, it's the sweet spot. So thank you Madalyn, I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to share about NaPodPoMo coming up November 1 to November 30th.

Madalyn Sklar 43:54

Yeah, for those listening to the podcast version just reach out to Jennifer her twitter handle is E the letter E podcaster. E podcaster. Reach out to her because it's really cool what she does to help other podcasters.

Thank you to all of our speakers who came on and shared so much great stuff and were available and all of your favourite podcast apps were out there all things audio, you can also go to all things audio as well,

Suze Cooper 44:24

You certainly can. And you can catch us here on Twitter and use the hashtag all things audio, and we'll pick that up throughout the week. So that's it for this week. But thank you so much to everyone that's been here in the space with us and those of you listening, and we'll catch up with you next week.

Madalyn Sklar 44:39

Bye everybody.

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