Episode 63

Madalyn Sklar 0:03

Hey, this is Madalyn Sklar and Suze Cooper and you're listening to All Things Audio

I just want to tell everybody we have breaking news. I cannot wait to talk about our breaking news, Suze because you know how, when we talk about on mobile at the bottom right, that little purple bubble and we always say entity and there's always like that sound in our voice like how much we do not like calling it entity.

Suze Cooper 0:32

Twitter has officially renamed it. It's amazing. I mean, we've made no secret of the fact that we felt like entity was such a word. It's just such a you know, this is what we'll call it while we're building it type word. And then it kind of got rocked out into beater and then rolled out a bit further and it's still being called efficiently entity see it? When you go to the replay, go the replay. Listen, because your voice changes every time you like, it's so funny. Like I don't even like to say it because I just can't stand the name. So I just call it chat because Spaces chat because that to me is that's what it is. But every time -golistened to past, you know, last weeks replay of this room, every time you say entity, you always have that sound in your voice. I love it.

It's because it's like, it's like I disliked this, but I'm gonna say it anyway. I do air quotes while I'm saying it each time. Madalyn I'm totally aware of the entity, because it's just such a stupid name is really silly. So what have they officially decided to call it is officially called spaces replies, and I'm good with that. I like it.

Madalyn Sklar 1:39

Because it's what it is. Alright, chat replies that look. Entity made no sense. I don't know who named it a Twitter. Terrible name. And I think most people agreed with us that it just didn't make sense. But it was officially announced through a recent Twitter spaces from Twitter spaces. That's pretty meta the way I said that, huh? As it was coming out. I'm like, Oh, this is meta. So let me just make it super meta. But yeah, somebody, Joe Dale had said, What is the chat in Twitter spaces called now? Because actually, the first tweet I put in the nest was from Michael Sterling, who's here live with us. Hopefully he'll chat with us soon. But he had quoted anything saying we don't call it an entity anymore. And I remember when I saw that, I was like, Oh, I hadn't listened to that spaces yet. But this is interesting. And I went listen to that. That Twitter space is from the little community chat. And I was like, Yes, finally they've listened. And they've renamed it. So I felt like that was our big breaking news we had to start with today. Because I just feel like it's time to rejoice that there's a real name that makes sense for what we're looking at when we're playing around with the little chat reply.

Suze Cooper 2:56

And I think we're kind of good now that it's quite a useful feature as I was tentative at first, but I do quite like it. I quite like the fact we've got the back channel, people can get involved, particularly for this kind of format, where we're recording first out, you know, and the two of us are having the conversation, it means we can kind of really get a steer on what the listeners are thinking as we go along, which I think is really great.

Madalyn Sklar 3:19

I agree. And hopefully everybody just noticed that it turned purple and says one because I just put in a GIF of me waving hello to everybody. So that's me saying hi. And I'm just really thrilled that this is a feature that has been embraced by so many people. So many people been talking about it for quite some time that they really like having this has been rolled out to everyone now. Initially, I had it way before most people did. You didn't have it for a really long time.

Suze Cooper 3:50

That's right. And in fact, we ran the space on your account up on time. And it was useful. And people liked using it during all things audio. So yeah, it did take a while for me to get access to it.

Madalyn Sklar 4:01

Yeah, yeah. And you know, I was reading a really interesting thread the other day thatsomebody was commenting about how, and this will make sense to me that Twitter spaces hosts should really get access to some of these features before others do. You know, sometimes it's very random, like who gets features and who doesn't. And some hosts have complained that they can't even test some of these features, but other people in their rooms can and then they can see things that they can't. So I think that was actually I thought it was really such a great idea. I had to comment on that thread because I was like yes, spaces hosts should really get first access to some of these really cool features in spaces. So that you know we can show them off and we're hosting a room and I was thrilled that I had this new spaces replies early. Being that I'm co hosting and three different rooms each week. You gave me this opportunity to really showcase it. And I really appreciate that a couple of times, you're like, hey, why don't you be the host instead of the co host. So that way, we can use it off of your account, just so people can see that this is a great feature. This is something we got to give spaces feedback on. So they know that this is extremely valuable for engagement for community building just for so many things. So I'm really happy that they finally came around and rolled it out to everyone. So we all have it.

Suze Cooper 5:31

Yeah. And it can seem rather random as to who gets access to what feature when as well. I mean, I know we were talking about something last weekend, probably the audio tab, because we spoke a lot about that last week. So anyone who's interested in that and hasn't had our episode from next from last week, please do go back and listen. But I think he was saying that Don, who's here in the space now had access to something on there and yet had never been never been a host of a space or whatever. And you just think it's tricky, isn't it? How are they working out who gets what?

Madalyn Sklar 5:59

It's always random, I've always noticed has been super random the way Twitter does that. But who knows, maybe maybe they'll start being better about some of these things that are specifically spur spaces go first to spaces hosts, or even like that first group of beta hosts in the beginning, I just, you know, when if they want a small group, you know, start like that, and let the people that are using this all the time, or people that are hosting at least once a week, give them that access? Because then they can be shown it off in their rooms like that 100 emoji, wouldn't it be nice if some of us power spaces hose, you know, they're doing this all at least once a week? Like, if we can be the one showing it off? Instead of just these random people is like, how did you get it? So that's my thought on that.

Oh, I'm so excited, because I've got some really cool tweets I want to share with you all, from Andrew Spaces Dashboard, because he is really showing us some super creative ways to promote your spaces. And I know plenty of people that come to this room live or listen to the podcast version. They're like us, they're hosting their own spaces. They're using this this great feature in Twitter. But discoverability has been an issue had been this ongoing issue. And now I feel like it's more than ever with this new audio tab, which you know, like you said, we have talked about it. We'll talk about some more today. It's frustrating, because so much of the discoverability is gone. And I know one of the things Twitter told you was you know, hey, you need to be promoting your room, which we already did, like, right, we promote our rooms pretty heavily. We can always use Twitter's help with this discoverability. But it's great seeing some ways other people are promoting themselves. And Andrew has been sharing some really interesting tweets with in an effort to promote his spaces dashboard, which is awesome. But he's so smart in promoting host that, you know, we're out there doing these rooms and spaces. And so it's kind of like with him as a two for one. I want to promote Twitter's spaces dashboard. But I'm gonna do it through promoting these amazing hosts, he's always spotlighting different hosts. I love how he's doing all this. And so these tweets really caught my attention. He had made these really cool JPEGs for hustling for his spaces. I damned and I said, Hey, could you make one of these cool ones for me? Because I would I'll use it. And I'll promote spaces dashboard. Because what a great way to send somebody to one link, which is, you know, basically your profile page as spaces dashboard, which is, by the way, a free site if you guys are not using it as a host and or using it for discoverability you're really missing out spaces dashboard.com. But I asked him like could you make these JPEGs for me, he did. So that's what this tweet is where he tweeted out through the spaces dashboard Twitter account. And it has all three of the rooms that I co host each week. And it's just a real simple you tap on that image. It takes you to my page over spaces dashboard, which is super cool.

You have one Suze, anybody that's hosting can access this. And it has so much information in there is so much more than what Twitter gives us. I wish Twitter gave us a page like this. But that's why we love Andrew because he did it for us, right where we can just get all this data. We can go back to all these previous spaces we've hosted, we can easily access the replays, but it goes a step further. As we mentioned, you're technically the host of this room. I'm just the co host. So with some of these third party tools like this, all the ones that you're technically hosting on cohosting are gone, like they're not going to show up on these kinds of sites. But spaces dashboard collects that. And when you scroll down on my page, you, you first see the ones that I host, then you see co host is spaces. And it's all you see, I see your awesome profile picture on all of these because you're technically the host. And I'm the co host. And I love that I can easily get to all that information. But then there's more, when you scroll down even more is going to show spaces you've spoken in. So other people's spaces will be in here because you were speaker. So it's such a great, I just can't say enough, great enough about it, because it's such a great free tool. But Andrew is so smart with helping people promote their own room. So I wanted to show off the these great tweets, because this is just another way for me to be promoting the three rooms each week that I'm co hosting. And then when you look at the one that he set up for host saline, there's another tweet in there. I really want to point this out, because this is such an interesting tweet. Did you get a chance to look at this one closely, Suze to see like, it's not your typical tweet, it's actually done through the ads platform.

Suze Cooper 11:15

Yeah, that's right. And that's what Andrew was, you know, really hot on right at the start of spaces being launched, wasn't he, I mean, he really came in and said, Look, you can use the Media Studio, you can use the ads platform without placing an ad to really create something that's eye catching, scroll stopping. And we'll get people to know about your space and help with this discoverability. And that's exactly what this is with, with how isolines monetize Monday, one you can scroll through, see the different graphics, you know, it's it's just such a clever way of using what is already in the platform. And let's face it, Twitter haven't necessarily helped out with discoverability. And, you know, even now, this new audio tab, I mean, it could still definitely another full episode just on that, really, I genuinely feel like it's taken us a step backwards. So things like this, you know, when Twitter saying come on host you need to be marketing your own space, promoting them, whatever things like this are going to be invaluable to us, we need to think around outside the box, think around those different things that we do have at our fingertips that aren't going to cost a fortune to put in place.

And this is just a great way of doing what a great example as well, that you've picked out here. It's really cool.

Madalyn Sklar 12:27

Yeah, and this is called a carousel tweet. And I don't think a lot of people know about this. And the reason why is not something you can just do in your compose tweet section of either the desktop version of Twitter or on mobile, you have to be in the ads platform. If you notice what this tweet if you're looking at it right now. And we'll make sure for those listening to the podcast version, it's in the show notes. Use look at this tweet from Andrew espaces dashboard is the one for host Joselin Mane, and there are literally five different JPEGs is a carousel just like what you see on Instagram when you do an Instagram carousel is very similar. And you can, what's amazing about this is that when the first one comes up monetize Monday, I can click on that. And it's taken me right to the recording from that particular hosted room on September 5. But then if I go back into the tweet, and I scroll across in the carousel to the next one, it looks like I can access each of these different JPEGs with the individual space associated with it, which is really awesome.

And if you're not familiar with how to do this is so simple. You have to go into the ads platform. If you're not familiar with the ads platform is super easy. Just go to ads.twitter.com. Or when you're on desktop, and you're on your left side navigation, you see more at the bottom, click on that. And you should see ads in there. And you want to get into that ads platform. If you've never used it before. It just takes a moment to set it up. They do require a credit card on file does not mean you have to buy ads. The beauty of this tweet you're looking at is it didn't cost anything is a free tweet. There's an easy way to do this. It's just knowing how to do it. And if you look at how Andrew uses Twitter, he's taking advantage of these Twitter cards that can only be done through the ads platform because what they do at Twitter, and it's actually kind of smart, if you think about it. They're allowing allowing advertisers to have more features. When they're when they're doing tweets like this, like this carousel tweet, you can't just normally do you got to go into the ads platform. Not everybody knows that. But just by knowing that you can go into the ads platform is as simple as unchecking there's a box checked automatically called promoted tweets. When you're not going to promote this tweet, you're not going to spend money. So you just uncheck it before you tweet it out, or before you schedule it. And the whole thing is free. And this is a great example I highly recommend everybody bookmark this tweet

because this is a great example of how you can be promoting your rooms. And if you're like us and you're you're hosting rooms all the time, you can sit here and set up a carousel, and promote multiple rooms, all in one tweet, I think that is so extremely powerful. So I really wanted to show that off to everyone. And the other tweet was me taking that JPEG, that Andrew sent over to me and doing a tweet myself. And this will be the kind of tweet, I'm going to definitely be putting out very regularly now. Because what an easy way for me to promote on a regular basis, like, you know, here's what I'm doing, here are the different rooms. Here's my upcoming schedule, just by going to that spaces dashboard, you can see everything I have coming up, everything that's scheduled now that we can schedule multiple rooms, I can, I can schedule up to 10 now, so they can all be on that page spaces dashboard. This is huge, I am so thrilled that we're getting more features like this and having a great tool. And we're not being sponsored by spaces dashboard, Suze and I just really love this tool. We love all these tools we come across, but some of them are just go so much beyond so many of them are when you agree so many of these are real plain. Like they're trying to take advantage of the fact that people are hosting rooms and spaces and they want more more information, more features than what because where can we go in Twitter to easily right now there is a way to go see your upcoming and past rooms. But you have to go into your settings and privacy section, who thinks to do that? I really think that third party developers have been really listening hard to what's been said and really jumped on it quite quickly. And that's why, you know, we were so lucky, really in a way. I mean, I know we've said it before, but every week, my inbox is kind of filled with another couple of DMs from people saying can you try this out? Or, you know, we've put this together? What do you think of this and, and, you know, sometimes I can't get around to doing them all. But I'm so interested in the fact that people are developing and trying to expand what we can do here on spaces.

Suze Cooper 17:17

You know, it's definitely caught people's imagination. And for us as hosts, it's, you know, it is really widening what we can do. And if you say certainly with stats and things, which I know we're about to talk about next, it's there's next to nothing really on Twitter, we've got sort of the how many people have hit, that they're going to set their reminder and that they're going to come along. So they've pressed Set Reminder on the card that they've seen on their timeline, and they may they will get a notification but they may or may not turn up to your space live. And then we've got the replay stats as well.

And also split into how many people were in here live. But aside from that, it's it's sketchy. And and you know, as we've said in the past, kind of unreliable at times as well, if you're looking on different devices. So, you know, the third party developers really do seem to have habit summed up seem to be kind of streets ahead of some respects, with some of this stuff with search most definitely with spaces dashboard. I mean, I just think it's it's ludicrous the way things are going at the moment with with Twitter and discoverability. For spaces, I'm just I can't work out what they're thinking. It's very frustrating.

Madalyn Sklar 18:28

Well, hopefully enough, people have complained about it that they will, you know, adjust course, right and come up with better discoverability and, you know, taking that spaces dashboard, I mean spaces tab away from us, that has so much discoverability attached to it. Whereas now this new audio tab is crazy. I'm just I hear more people complaining about it than anything and so hopefully they're listening we know they do listen, so hopefully, they're taking what we're saying to heart. So Andrew also, as you may recall last week was sharing some mind blowing stats about Twitter spaces. And he was telling telling us about these July stats July 2022.

And there's a visual now I need to I'm a visual, I need to like see the visual and this gift. Oh my gosh, I just had to share it with everybody because seeing it in front of you like this is mind blowing. That you know 965,000 Twitter spaces were created in that one month alone 75 million participations, it says that does not include replays. That's like just trying to wrap your head around that many. I had no idea and 1.9 million hours of audio, which comes out to 225 years old. I gotta wait for that jpeg to come back around 225 years of original content and then I love the gift with the lady in her mouth.

To open like, ah, because it is mind blowing is truly phenomenal. I think a lot of people over time have discounted social audio, I think they felt like it was a fad with clubhouse clubhouse started declining a bit. And I think people just started thinking, Okay, this is not going to be what we thought it was going to be. You just look at the stats with Twitter spaces. And I beg to differ.

Suze Cooper 20:24

Yeah, and I thought it was incredible. Like, even when I went back to edit for the podcast last week, you really could hear our brains breaking at the point where Andrew was giving out the stats that he was reading from, from the dashboard stats page, it was quite incredible. And as you say, to actually see those numbers, you know, millions of people, hundreds of 1000s of people. Social audio, I would suggest isn't a fad. I don't know that it's completely found out. It is yet. But it's certainly a thing. It's certainly something

Madalyn Sklar 20:59

Oh, most definitely. You put out a really great tweet today, talking about this new audio tab with your thoughts. I definitely recommend everybody bookmark this thread. Go through it later. But but let's discuss this for a moment. Because, you know, we have been talking about this, this new audio tab since it came out. We're not very happy with it.

But you shared some really interesting thoughts, you want to just kind of break it out a little bit for us and for our listeners. And when we have q&a in a bit. I would love for some of our listeners, request that mic and share their thoughts about this as well.

Suze Cooper 21:35

Yeah, sure. So I suppose that you know, when I was talking about it, when we were talking about it last week, on all things audio, I'd really only had the tab a matter of days, and I'd kind of opened and closed it had a quick look at it. I could see it was dynamic. I'd had that bit of a conversation with Evan, from the from product, twitter, on the thread. But yeah, I've had kind of a chance to play with it a little bit now.

There are a few drawbacks that I found that I don't particularly like I'm I'm gonna reframe that, there's some feedback that I'd like to give to Twitter around this audio tab. Now, obviously, you've already just heard me talk about the fact that I've feel like combining spaces in with this general Audio tab really hasn't done anything to progress spaces discoverability. I'm kind of left with the two spaces maybe that I can see in the spacebar. And very, very infrequently Am I seeing live spaces within the daily digest. And I can't, I can't kind of see any upcoming spaces, there's there's no ability for me to kind of scroll through like there was spaces tab. So I'm definitely missing that.

The other thing I can gather from what I've heard from other people talking about it on podcast, different things. It seems that the podcast episodes that you see within those station playlists. So for those of you that don't have the app, you go into the audio tab, and there are several categories, which are basically your topics that you've chosen within Twitter. So for me, I've got news, I've got marketing, I've got business, and finance, I've got technology, and I think I've got arts and movies. And they are topics that I follow here on Twitter, and would be within my Explorer tab as general tweets under those different categories. But in this respect, what they are is stations. So when I hit on one of those, if I go to news, it brings up a pre selected variety of loads of podcasts around between five and 10, I would say different. So from news providers. Now it would seem that those episodes are actually those that are listened to and shared by people that following.

Therefore, Twitter's suggesting that because I follow these people, and these people like these podcasts, I might like to listen to them, too. Now, so far, I've found that that doesn't ring true for me, I'm not so interested in the episodes that are being served up to me that what you've got is like a thumb up and a thumb down so you can vote up what you like and vote down what you don't. And I guess that then when you hit one of those gives you a message that says thank you. This allows Twitter to learn more about you know what you like and serve you with better content suited to you. But actually, I've downvoted the same an episode from the same podcast on several occasions, and I'm still seeing it as topping the list on one of my stations, which is quite annoying. I've also found that one of my own experiences of listening when I'm listening to a podcast on say, Spotify or Apple podcasts, I will quite often be listening to that podcast while I'm on the train. But I'll be looking for the next one. Like what am I going to be listening to next? What do I want to queue up? What Episode What show am I going to listen to you next? I tried to do that with stations. But I couldn't because the minute I come out of the station to look at what might be in another station it cuts the audio. And the other frustrating thing about that is when I go back into that station it doesn't remember

either the episode I was listening to or where I was within that episode, all it does is autoplay the top episode for me again. So I've had the first sentence of one podcast about five times today where I've gone in and out of a station. autoplay definitely needs knocking on the head, if you ask me, I am sick of it. I don't want it to autoplay at me, I want to be able to choose which ones are listened to. And I don't, you know, if I'm gonna be given a pre select list and not be able to search for anything, then I certainly want the decision as to whether or not I want it to play for me. I mean, anyone who's podcast episode has a beard topping anyone, one of those stations over the last week is going to be delighted when they open up their podcast apps, because they're gonna look amazing. Because anyone that's opened, that station is literally racked up a place or them just by looking, they don't even have had to listen to very much of it. So yeah, I put all my thoughts down in this thread. Evan had asked for some feedback, I am going to tag him in it. I'm going to retweet it later on today. I'd love to know your comments on any of the different sections. It's got eight tweets on the thread.

Yeah, I'd love to have a conversation about it. There's lots more on there. But those are my kind of initial thoughts from today. So yeah,

Madalyn Sklar 26:06

It's a great thread. I really appreciate you doing that. And Sharon, you know, since you've had time to play around with it a little bit. I've been very confused by it. Like, for instance, there was one point last week, I didn't even notice something until Morgan had had mentioned it and is shared a screenshot, you know, we have that little group DM with you, me and some, some others that help us from time to time with Co-hosting when we need help. And I just was so embarrassed that like, Oh, I didn't notice this little thing like, yeah, when you open up a space or podcasts, you know, from that top section, that when he's pulling up the category, that there's a place you can tap will bring even more below it. And it's like, How did I not see that? But it just really shows that Twitter wasn't really thinking through like, making stuff super obvious if if people are not like, well, we supposed to tap on the whole screen in like every little spotlight, am I missing? Is there something hidden? Because that was to me, it was super hidden, it wasn't obvious that, oh, there's a way to get more when you're in one of those sections. All I saw was okay, I see this interesting image with multiple podcasts and or spaces, and you can just press one, and it'll cycle through or you can just manually tap on them, which is what I normally do. But I didn't realise that you could tap on, I think there was a little icon underneath it on the left, or the name itself of the topic. And then more stuff came up below it is like I remember It's Morgan had like a screenshot. And I'm like, Well, how did you get to that screen? What am I missing? So I just thought that was a bit of a fail on Twitter's part is having all this extra content, but not making it obvious of how to get to it.

And the other thing I find very frustrating is I know last week, I said adjust your topics, the Twitter topics. I did that because I did see some immediate changes, but not fully because I because I'm not as interested in NF T's and web three as I was at beginning of the year. I mean, I'm interested but not like I want to see this all the time in my feed. So I took that out of the topics completely so that I could discover other things in this audio tab. And what's interesting Soos is that I went back into the tab while you were talking about it just now. And when you first go into it and you swipe up below at the bottom there, I'll have like three upcoming spaces.

They're all on NFTs. There was all about entities and I'm like, Okay, I took that out of my topics. Obviously, I don't have as big of an interest. Why is it still showing me that? So that just didn't make sense to me. When I mentioned it last week, I was seeing an immediate change when you did adjust your topics. But that to me was weird. Like, okay, that was a week ago. Now, how come all of a sudden, I'm back to seeing all that stuff again. So I don't know, I just they need to work on this stuff. They really, really need to work on it. I put some stuff in the next breaking news. Twitter is trying to get our attention because they did space the spaces team did a tweet in all caps, who does a tweet in all caps. Who's in that? That's the equivalent of yelling. We all know that yelling. I'm very surprised that that you decided literally 10 minutes ago to do a yelling tweet to all of us. So it says We heard you want to schedule more than one space at a time. So we just rolled it out and now everyone can schedule 10 spaces up to 30 days in advance. So I've had this ability for a little bit of time now.

I wasn't sure if it was just a test, or if it was more widely rolled out. Now we know it has been rolled out to everyone. So that's good news. If you've been wanting to schedule more than one space at a time, that you can do that.

Suze Cooper 30:19

I've had terrible issues with this. I mean, I had it. And last week, I was all pleased about it, and I was using it. And I scheduled more than one space, and then it disappeared, or over the weekend. And I couldn't access it, I couldn't see any upcoming spaces. And in fact, this very space that we're in right now was one of those that I'd scheduled as an upcoming space. And I couldn't see it anywhere, the only way I've been able to access this space is via the card today. It wasn't in my it wasn't under the calendar icon. There wasn't an upcoming spaces, text anymore at the top right. So I was actually wondering whether or not this particular link for this space was even going to work today. It took me right up until the top of the hour when I hit it to know whether or not it was even still there anymore, because I just scheduled it forward. And then they removed the facility the feature for me, so it was a little bit on edge there. But you know, hopefully it will roll out and it will come back. But yeah, that was a moment that I could have done without this week. To be honest, if they're gonna give you a feature, the fact that it just drops and disappears is just really annoying because I was using it.

Madalyn Sklar 31:27

So yeah, yeah, the first time I used it, you know, when I first got it, and I was able to schedule more than one, I ran into the same issue at first, like, okay, where to go. And I thought that I lost it. I thought, okay, is this link not gonna work now to not promote it. But then I remember I closed the app came back in. And then if you look in this tweet that screenshot the first item,

they show you that little calendar in the top right corner, and eventually that did pop up. And so when you go to create a space, you should see that when you've already scheduled other rooms, and you tap on it. Did you notice that before Suze if you had that?

Suze Cooper 32:06

No, I didn't have that I had nothing in that top corner because that had said upcoming spaces just as words. And so then I said to you, I don't know where that link has gotten, I can't find it anywhere. And you said tap on the calendar and see as though you were scheduling it, but nothing came up there either. So it was literally just from the actual card on the timeline. In the end, that was the only way that I could see that that was still available. And I could edit it, I could edit the card, I could still share the card. So I was 90% Sure it was going to work today. But yeah, it was just a little bit irritating that they'd given me that ability to do that. I'd gone ahead and done it. But then they seem to have pulled everything from it at the back so that I couldn't then access it again. But anyway, everything worked. It all turned out fine.

Madalyn Sklar 32:52

Excellent. Well, hopefully, you will be able to start seeing that little icon in the top corner because it's been working fine. For me it just for me. It was very brief, where there was nothing. I'm like, Okay, how do I find it? It was almost as if Twitter turn the switch on, but was missing one element. That's what it felt like. And now I can get to it. And it sounds like you still need them to flip that switch for you.

Suze Cooper 33:20

We have some Clubhouse news Madeline, don't we? Yeah, a lot is going on with this. This new houses? Have you been doing much with this or not really have jumped in and out of it. From some of the houses that Morgan has been hosting. I've enjoyed being involved with houses. I have to say I'm sure what the latest news of them is at the moment, I think, is it about replying just to houses posts. So only I'm assuming that means only people that are invited to the house will be able to reply to those messages that they can see. Maybe Morgan can fill us in on it in a little minute or so. Yeah, sure. So this is one of the social audio apps that we've mentioned a few times wisdom, which is kind of positioning itself as being one for the educators. So people who've got some wisdom to share with other people can go over to use this app and you know, have had the stage have someone else up to talk to live on there as well. But it's just an interesting take in this business cloud article where they've kind of headlined it can wisdom become the Facebook of social audio, and the CEO Dayo Akinrinade is basically talking about how social media is all about connections, which is really where Facebook started. You know, it was about getting in touch with your former connections, finding people that perhaps you had a connection with at school, kind of friends reunited. stylee goodness, really showing my age now. But then, you know, keeping those connections, having family connections, and just that idea that social audio

can build those kinds of connections? And could it be the Facebook of social audio, which I just found really interesting. I know there's a quote here that you pulled out from it, Madeline where it says, she said that I believe the future of social audio is less about the hustle culture found on platforms like Twitter spaces and clubhouse, where many people listen to promotional talks about the latest NFT credit repair scheme or stock and more about niche communities engaging in balanced one to one conversations on topics that matter. Now, that's the key on wisdom is that it's one to one. So you've only ever got one person and the host over there talking about a topic at a time, because they don't want it to get too crowded. Now, I liked that quote, there. But I also wonder, I don't know. Do we feel like this is still hustle culture over here? Are we still I'm not seeing half as many NFT spaces as I have been? I know, you've just mentioned that you were seeing them? Because right in your audio tab. But is that really what's happening over here? Or is it widening out a bit more I kind of feel like it is but maybe I'm wrong?

Madalyn Sklar 36:04

I think it is I mean, I think is changing. I think as social audio is evolving, I felt like was just Clubhouse before spaces, and I was on Clubhouse. Every room felt like a TED talk, like it really seemed to be about who are the experts that are just going to talk to everybody else. And like you can't talk you can't come on stage, you can't be a part of the conversation. It just felt like you were just in the audience listening to a TED Talk. That's how I felt for quite some time. And I. And that was just my own personal experience. I know it evolved over time. But I just was more drawn to spaces because I just felt like it was more about conversations. I mean, sure lots of us like to come on here in us opportunity to teach. I'm very big with that. But also just feel like they're just

great conversations. But this article really drew me with that quote of hers, because it's like, she is like looking in a whole different lens that I think is very important to be, you know, looking into. I like the fact that is these one on one conversations is different. But I really like the way she is approaching this.

Suze Cooper 37:16

Yeah. And you know, as we said, when we first started all things, audio, there is so much that can be done with social audio, there's room for all of it. And I really don't think we've seen even half of it being covered by people yet. There are so many different focal audio standalone apps that do it in different ways.

And, you know, it just continues to evolve and grow and find its feet really, this is still really new technology and really new stuff to have this live audio only element on social media platforms, but also in the standalone apps as well. It's really quite new. So yeah, it's just watching it grow watching where it goes, watching where different people take it. And I think that's what interests me so much in it anyway.

Madalyn Sklar 38:03

Absolutely. I just want to mention, we don't go into detail. But I did put in the nest this really interesting thread with an article about podcasting. I know we get a lot of podcasters here, I think some people might find it interesting. They might want to bookmark it and read it later. The thread is really it really gets you thinking is from the co founder of anchor. And he say in the future, a podcast is going to be videos. And this is a really interesting read. I don't agree with it all. But I found to be super interesting. I think some of you here might really like to read that. So there's a link to the article or you can just go through his thread. super fascinating. But yeah, I'm so glad Morgan made it because I want to hear more about this clubhouse news.

Morgan Evetts 38:47

Hi, both. Well, very quickly, just on also on the podcasts will become videos, fascinating threads. slightly controversial writer. But it's a very interesting idea. And we know that YouTube introduced a dedicated tab on their site for the US audience for podcasts. So yeah, I do think this is a really big an interesting move.

On the Clubhouse stuff. The general story is, is they're still working very hard to build out a kind of rich group chat experience around social audio. So a house is is a thing that that has members, you can only be in it if you're invited. But once you're in it, you can do kind of two things. One of them is the talking to each other thing. And that's obviously audio. And the other thing you can do is take part in a group chat for all the members of the House. So the updates that we saw this week and this leak from Alessandra is just about the the the group chat part of it really. So this is just becoming more and more sophisticated group chat. One of the obviously the important things for for group chat is

Being able to control your notifications. So if you think about using Slack or discord, you have pretty fine grained notification controls. Until this week, pumphouse didn't really have that. So they put those in place now. And you can do things like say, only actually notify me if someone directly at mentions me otherwise, don't or only tell me if a room starts in this house. And you know, I want to go and speak. But don't tell me about any of the messages in the group chat. So this has been a really important piece, and it's now in place.

Houses are still in beta. So this is part of getting them ready to something that is, like a thing that everybody can use and have a good experience. So that's a part of it. And the thing that Alessandra released is another part of that. So this hasn't been rolled out onto the for the BT users yet. But it's a little glimpse of what's coming in a week or two, which is, at the moment, the group chat is just one like big thing. Do you want to reply to somebody who said something, you post a new message in the group chat, what you can't do at the moment is a reply directly to somebody. So that's going to come soon. But again, this is just another way to have something that looks like Slack or discord, but it's built around audio first. So you can you can reply and have have reply threads to messages. That the other one which hasn't been talked about much, but is I think for not less so for Twitter, people but for clubhouse people, very exciting, is the ability to post messages in the sorry, both post images in the chat. So until now, there's no way to share an image on lubhouse apart from in your profile picture, which is a little hack people use. But we'll also get the ability, hopefully this month to share images in the in the house chat. So yeah, this is just like club passes, building out a really sophisticated messaging, group messaging platform that's integrated with audio. And that's that's the interesting part. That is interesting. Thank you for sharing all that. What do you think Suze?

Suze Cooper 42:20

Yeah, I love it. And I think you'll I love what you said there about notifications. That makes absolute sense. Because I know that was one of the things that really annoyed people in the early days of clubhouse was all the different things. Like I'd wake up in the morning and have like 80 notifications from clubhouse. So yeah, I think it's right, that they've put that in place to allow you to filter the noise and only get what you really want, especially from these from these houses. I think that's a great shout.

Morgan Evetts 42:49

Yeah, that's I think you're right, that's a huge part of a lot of people who would have tried Clubhouse in spring last year, would have got burned by the notifications, it was a huge issue. There were so many. And to be honest, as somebody has been on the beta for houses. It's they've been a lot of notifications. So it's really great to see them. Roll out what I like really fine grained notification controls the controls for houses now probably slightly better than the controls for the rest of the app. So that's really interesting. The other part of the story here, which I think in the pin tweet I mentioned is

the way of looking at this as they've separated out things to do with houses from things to do with the rest of the app. So this is another little suggestion of each house is kind of its own contained thing within clubhouse. It has its own settings, including for notifications. So this begins to look a bit more like discord with servers. So if you're a member of a house, it's a bit like being a member of a server, and you set things up for that server. And it can be different on different parts of the app. So that's that's also an interesting way of looking at it. Very interesting. Do you think it's because like some people are just gonna want to use clubhouse just for houses? Yeah, I do. I do think that that's gonna happen.

I mean, I personally I love the public hallways too. So I hope that if you go there and you have a few houses much like you might have a few discord servers or slack or even like a telegram group that you go to often that that's going to be a great place for you can have a really good experience and you'll be with the people that you want to be with. But maybe now and again, you want to go out and see a show together or go go and you know, go to the theatre or something like that. So you will go out to the public hallways. And I also hope that because houses still are audio first unlike discord and stuff

Like, which are much more about typing your messages to each other.When you're in a house that you really enjoy, it's a place for speaking to each other. So you get really comfortable with using social audio as a speaker and not a listener. And I think once you get used to that, you're probably much more likely to go and start rooms and speak elsewhere. So it's, it's a really good kind of training wheel for building your confidence as a speaker in an environment that isn't public, you're with, you know, trusted people in a much more intimate environment. So I think that's, that's probably quite hopeful for creation in social audio as well.

Suze Cooper 44:50

Yeah, I think you're absolutely right. I love that. Great take on it. Morgan, thank you so much for sharing with us today.

Madalyn Sklar 44:59

Andrew, you're up next.

Andrew Lyons 45:00

Hey, listen, I wanted to pop in. Because the first 20 minutes of that show you talking about spaces dashboard like that made me so happy, I'm really grateful for you. And again, like you mentioned, it's not a sponsorship, this is all based on me building tools, listening to you guys with the things I think you'll need. And I just want to say it's really appreciated when you spend the time to no highlight some of the big features and functionalities that we have added to it. And I almost wanted to carry on a little a little trend we started last week of dropping another stat. That's just happened yesterday, or today can't remember now. We hit Would you believe into the dashboard. We went over the 4 million mark. So we now have 4 million spaces indexed into the dashboard. Wow.

Madalyn Sklar 45:13

Yeah, that's amazing. And we are looking by the end of the month, we will hit 1 million hosts.

Suze Cooper 46:37

Incredible. So you know, this is why discoverability and search is so needed. Because if I'm only seeing two spaces up on that space bar, and there are a million people out there hosting spaces, then I'm missing out on a whole lot of spaces. I'm not even going to try. So you know, it's just, it's crazy. How can we be hitting numbers like that, but still seeing such little activity around spaces in the app? I just, I can't even imagine why Twitter would want that to be that way. It just doesn't make any sense to me.

Andrew Lyons 47:33

Yeah. And in August, this, the stats show that. In July, we hosted 965,000. In August, we actually went over the million we had 1,176,000

Madalyn Sklar 47:47

It is quite amazing. To see those numbers, when you weren't saying them to us last week is like, it was pretty amazing. But then once I saw your tweet with that GIF is like, just, I'm so visual, I need to like see those numbers in front of me. It was mind blowing. And I see Denise's here and our hands raised. Hey, Denise, how are you?

Denise Handley 48:09

Hi, I'm good. And thank you for holding this space I pop in when I get an opportunity. My question is exceptionally rudimentary. Why don't I have the scissors? I can't clip anything, you know, or on my way behind the curve.

Madalyn Sklar 48:23

You should have just been rolled out globally, the only thing I can think of is maybe you need to update your Twitter app. When was the last time you did that? I did that because I was getting some help from Legion. And I don't know if you noticed he does a lot of stuff. Yes. Yeah, yeah, he's been very helpful. But he's saying to me is what I did. Because he's saying to me, my only concern was if I if I take away my app, will it lose? Will I lose everything that I've got in my timeline? If I take it off and have to put it on again?

No, all you you can actually remove the app out of your phone, reinstall it. Yeah, it's all has to do with be logged in. When you're logged in. Everything is still saved from your login. Are you able to also access clips? Or have you been able to access clips from the web to like, like right now, in addition to being on mobile, because I'm speaking of course, I also am in front of my my desktop computer. And I have this room up on desktop as well. And you should also see it when you're going back to a replay or listening to a live recorded room. You should definitely see the scissors on desktop. But you should see it on mobile too. Because Twitter says it was globally rolled out. Everyone should have it.

Denise Handley 48:23

Okay, well I can't check that now because I'm on the telephone but I will check it and see if it's on the computer because it's just a matter of me trying to clip certain sections of the show. So you know, I will take your advice and then maybe pop back but at another date but thank you guys because I'm thank you for the help. Anyway. I do appreciate the stuff that you do is very helpful. Thank you.

Madalyn Sklar 48:23

Absolutely. Thank you for being here. And the only other thing I could think of is maybe is still rolling out to a few more people.

Maybe you're just in the last group and it just you haven't gotten it yet. I mean, you should see it. I mean, right now, in this room, you should see at the bottom right should see scissor. So I'm surprised you don't,

Suze Cooper 49:32

Hey Angel

Angel 49:36

I also don't have the clip sign on my spaces, I did the updates, and I've got the discoverability and all of that, but I don't have the scissors. And I know that they were bringing some of the emojis back in the Twitter spaces. I don't have those either. But I know that many people have had them. And I understood that you had to update to have all of those. But those are things that I'm very clearly missing.

Madalyn Sklar 50:43

If somebody can see it on the web, when they're logged into their account, they see it on web, but not mobile, then I'm thinking something's up with their app. And it could be that Denise does need to remove the app off of her phone and reinstall it. The thing is, whenever you're having issues with something, you know, closing the app, like plenty of times people have an issue with being able to become a speaker in a room. And many times, you know, if you're trying to get in is not working, you just close the Twitter app, reopen it, and then try again. And that should fix whatever issue because we run into this all the time George's here and we run to this all the time with our Saturday room, Twitter audits, when we review Twitter profiles, I will, you know, give the mic to somebody and like for 10 minutes, they can't get in, and I just tell them, close the app come back in and that should fix it. And many times it does. If you're still having issues with something with Twitter, and that doesn't fix it, then

check to make sure you have the most current download. And if you do, and it still doesn't fix it, then just remove that app. And this applies the other apps to this is just a very common. Another thing, Power down your phone. It is a mini computer. I think people forget it's a little computer. What was the last time you did that. So Denise that would be another thing to try. Also, just thinking out loud, you know, you might want to just

next when you're done with this, of course, turn off your phone, turn it back on, try going back in and see if that fixes it. So hopefully that helps for everybody.

Suze Cooper 52:15

Thanks for symptomatic of what we were discussing earlier, which is where features seem to be thrown out randomly to various people and and while they're saying it's global. These rollouts sometimes take longer than it takes for me to send press releases. Everybody's now got access to it.

Madalyn Sklar 52:31

Sometimes it does, usually when they say global is because they pushed it out to everyone. Or if there's anyone out there that still doesn't have it is like they're at the tail end. That's why the whole Clips has been rolled out globally for a while. It's been a while now. I mean, it's weeks, if not a month. I mean, it's long enough where everyone should have it now.

Thank you to all of our speakers who came on and shared so much great stuff. And we're available and all of your favourite podcast apps were out there all things audio, you can also go to all things audio podcast.com as well, you certainly can. And you can catch us here on Twitter and use the hashtag all things audio, and we'll pick that up throughout the week. So that's it for this week. But thank you so much to everyone that's been here in the space with us and those of you listening, and we'll catch up with you next week. Bye everybody.

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