All Things Audio podcast

Episode 68

Madalyn Sklar 0:03

Hey, this is Madalyn Sklar

Suze Cooper

and Suze Cooper and you're listening to all things audio

We're going to be talking to gregarious straight off because he's kindly agreed to spend some time with us at the beginning of the show. So we're gonna chat with him about the news that he's got to give us from Zealous. So I want to welcome gregarious, thank you so much for joining us this week for all things audio. gregarious, you got in touch with us last week and said that has got some amazing new features around the audiograms. Now it's been a while since we've spoken to you what's been going on?

Gregarious 0:42

Well, thank you for having me. I appreciate the opportunity to be here. I feel like a glutton for punishment because we keep shipping so many things that it's going a little fast now. So there's probably always going to be news. But I think we're really proud of the new things we're doing with the audiograms. So absolutely happy to share a little bit more about what's come out.

Suze Cooper 1:00

Sure. I mean, I know last time that we were chatting with you, certainly the audiograms were the thing that kind of caught our attention from this Zealous platform, an audiogram for anyone who's not aware is a way of sharing audio on social media. And it basically creates like a little video card. Sometimes we caption sometimes with a moving waveform, it kind of just makes the audio a bit more interesting. And it's great content for sharing and for kind of clipping these different social audio events that are happening around and about. So yeah, tell us Gregarious? How have you kind of integrated that into Zealous?

Gregarious 1:37

Yeah, absolutely. So. So we've built the way we build Zealous is in a manner that we basically automatically transcribe your spaces or any uploaded content that you put into it. That yields us basically, little quotes, quotable moments, we call them utterances where someone is speaking, right. So you know, when you listen to this later, there'll be a little chat bubble where I'm talking and then it'll be switching around. With Zealous, you can turn any of those little spoken moments, though automatically into an audiogram. And so are currently we have a new engine that we built for generating those audiograms. And so it gives us some special powers. So by the end of the week, I'll explain I guess, the fuller set of features that we expect to have out by the end of this week, we have two themes. We'll have two themes. By the end of week, we have our dark theme, and we have a light theme soon, it'll be customizable. I know everybody wants to, you know, get their picture in there and all kinds of fun things. I promise it will get there. But what we do have is two default themes right now light theme and a dark theme. We also, by the end of the week, hopefully should be all live, we will offer you now multiple formats for that audio gramme. So, Twitter, if you know you, you're all pros, that sort of social media. But for folks who don't know, all the platforms, like different sizes, right, so if you want to do a tick tock or real or short, it tends to be sort of like a portrait oriented photo, if you want to do it on Twitter, they like squares, Instagram, also kind of like squares for videos. And then, of course, you know, YouTube, Vimeo, they like landscape or HD style video. So our audio guides will be available to download in any of those formats as well. So you can actually automatically take it and share it to any service that you want. Now, previously, we didn't also directly give you the URL to it. But now we actually make them downloadable. So you can actually just download it and then go upload it into a tool that you're using. But we also and this, by the way yields a way better result, from our in our opinion, on like, for example, like Twitter, you can share a link to our audiogram. And it'll embed a little player, but you have to click it once for to expand, then you play it. What, for example, like Fanzo - I'll pin a tweet in here in a sec - did, they downloaded them and then upload them and actually those audio comes in play in the post on Twitter, it looks really nice when you do it that way. So we're going to also hopefully, by next week, facilitate directly uploading that audiogram straight to your Twitter, like right from us, we'll give you a little box, you can write the tweet and then basically send it straight from us all the way through.

Suze Cooper 4:14

Yeah, I love that. I love that integrated look where you can literally it's one click on it, and it plays. So is that that's what you'll be able to do essentially then straight from the platform. Yes, that's right. Cool. And at the moment, so it's all kind of text based, isn't it? When you're in Zealous, you effectively get like a transcript of your space. And it's very much you know, very much kind of chunked out into bite sized sections. And you can pick whichever section you want to take the audio from and turn into the audiogram is is that kind of further down? I mean, obviously this has just come out but you know me I like to kind of float an idea further down the line will we be able to kind of customise it in any way or do anything with the card you know? What are the plans for it?

Gregarious 5:01

Yeah, great question. So actually, the previous generation of the audiogram didn't have the track captions in them. So now the, I forgot to mention that I guess, I just did pin an example of one from NFT365 words and uploaded in the post. So now we do have the transcript in their lives. So the words highlight and move through. Yeah, you can imagine, you know, I guess like, just if you think it through you today, you may use a tool like headliner AI or get audiogram, or something like that, we view this as a full fledged feature. And so our goal is to make it possible for you to do much more with these, right? So uploading your image, Monica, one of our newest member of our team, she had a great idea of like actually just doing one with a green screen, kind of in the background. And so then you could drop it into your tiktoks or whatever. And, you know, put yourself behind it moving around if you want it or whatever it may be. But I do think like being able to have more layouts have more control over the colours, have more control over like the rendering model for like the captions and the waveform, all those things, I would say I would, I would say are definitely in the in the pipeline of features that we think will enhance the audiogram experience. And it's important to think, remember, audiograms are one part of our equation. But you know, Joselin, for example, is asked for a feature, which I think is a great one, which is to take multiple quotes and turn them into a video as well. And I think that that's a great stepping stone to a much more full fledged version, where, for example, we want to be able to like automatically export your entire Twitter spacey as a video that you can use on YouTube or somewhere else.

Suze Cooper 6:37

Now I think lots more people are thinking about how they can get their audio on to YouTube. I mean, you know, YouTube's plan is for this podcast stream, we keep hearing about it. But it's kind of stalled a bit in recent months, I think we've not heard much more about it. But certainly in the podcast world, we're very much waiting to hear like video podcasts or even turning your audio into something that can be consumed over on YouTube is most certainly gets a big tick, you know. So a solution like this is is a great way to go because it enables you to create that video style. But with the audio that you've you've made and become part of YouTube, which is, to all intents and purposes, one of the biggest search engines we've got around here. So you know, it's it's a great place to make sure your content is available to people.

Gregarious 7:27

Yeah, by the way, we do have a roadmap on our site. So feel free to go suggest any ideas you have, you know, vote them up. That's how we sort of pick you know, the new things, when we hear from our customers or users what they want, that helps inform our decisions quite a bit. But we are planning a thing that called Audiograms which are basically automatically generated autograms where we guess the best moments from the conversation for you. So let me give an example. If you're doing tour space there, like for example, you know, Madalyn just put a harder, we can look for that activity, and then pull out the moments that are related to sort of activity. So if you've seen like in YouTube, there's often this little wave behind the sort of player bar, that sort of indicating where activity is, we can emulate that, right? And so what we can do is suggest to you the moments that should be moment, like audiograms, right. And if you trust us or start to like our recommendations, we could turn that basically into like a buffer and just start sharing and linking back to your old spaces for you automatically.

Suze Cooper 8:36

Great idea. Fantastic idea. I mean, you know, we're seeing more and more that platforms are very much including the users in their roadmap and the way that they're building. And that's what you've just suggested there. How are you finding it building alongside people using it? What what kind of experience is that for you and the team? Small team I know.

Gregarious 8:57

It's great. Well, we were two, now we're six. So that helps a lot with getting all this new stuff out. But you know, I think, um, you know, I think part of it, part of the fun for me is that I am a creator, I have a podcast, you know, I've done live streams, I've done social audio for a long time. So I, I very much feel the pain that you are all describing because, you know, I experienced it myself. And so a lot of times I'm able to build something that I need. And then but you know, we don't think of everything, right? Like folks come up with really great features, or sometimes you have an intuition, but maybe you don't know for sure. And so it is the best thing as an entrepreneur to be able to have folks say, No, I really do want that right, or I pay for that. Right? Nothing gets you closer to the truth faster than like working with your community. And so we think is highly valuable to be able to have, you know, amazing partners like everyone in this room to be able to tell us and help us like know what, what matters. It's always hard because we can't do everything. And it's, you know, prioritisation is probably the hardest thing when you're a small company. But to that end, you know, we have things we understand about where we need to go to make this sustainable so we could be here for the long run to help you. And then also we know that things that are hurting you or causing you pain, but our goal is to remove friction and basically have you use less tools and spend less time getting the same kind of results or even better results.

Suze Cooper 10:23

Yeah, and you're certainly making it you know, really intuitive and easy to use. Madalyn I know you created an audiogram from Zealous earlier today, didn't you? How was your experience?

Madalyn Sklar 10:32

I made a whole bunch of ‘em, I was playing with it like crazy today. So gregarious. Thank you for developing this, I had a lot of fun playing with it. It was so easy to use that I made a thread with multiple audio grammes because I was a guest on a space yesterday sharing lots of great information. And you know, the whole reason we want things like this these kinds of tools is for repurposing. I'm a big fan of repurposing content. And what a great way for me to take content from yesterday, take clips, to grab people's attention. I'm so glad you're showing this example of NFT365's tweet and how you said you could actually download it and then upload it into Twitter. And it does look better. Huge difference. And thank you for mentioning that I will definitely play with doing that next.

Gregarious 11:19

I think there are things we have refined but I love it so much more when it's in the stream.

Madalyn Sklar 11:24

Absolutely, absolutely. Because I put in the nest one of mine that I did earlier today. But yeah, it' s like very different looking at my tweet versus this tweet.

Gregarious 11:32

Yeah, we will automate all that for you like when because once your Twitter is connected to us, we can then you will show you the tweet and you can push it. That would be great. Friday, also, all of the Twitter accounts will be turned in the RSS feed. So everyone will have a podcast - podcast basically on Friday.

Suze Cooper 11:51

Yeah, I spotted that because that's on the on the Connect button. And it basically says, you know, connect to Apple podcasts. It says on there.

Gregarious 12:00

Yeah, we give you a URL, but you can open it in apps if you want as well. Yep.

Suze Cooper 12:05

Awesome. So it's basically turning the channel that you've created on Zealous into an RSS feed

Gregarious 12:11

On every channel in Zealous basically can become an RSS feed by itself. But Twitter feeds of your Twitter spaces are all free permanently for you, like kind of feature for the community. So any of those spaces all your spaces can be a podcast, basically.

Madalyn Sklar 12:19

Well, this is all exciting news. We really appreciate you coming on and sharing all the new things you guys are developing super impressive apps.

Gregarious 12:36

Appreciate it. Always. Thank you for having us. My DMS are open. If you have questions you want to demo, you want me to give you a tour. I'm happy to show you around. And we'd love to take your feedback. And yeah, just keep an eye out every week. On Fridays we ship you know, several new features.

Madalyn Sklar 12:51

Oh, that's good to know. Yes, I will keep playing with it. For sure. Well, thank you for your time today.

Gregarious 12:56

You bet. Thank you so much.

Suze Cooper 12:58

So Madalyn, the Twitter spaces, news just keeps coming.

Madalyn Sklar 13:01

It's been like nonstop all afternoon, like, um, to the point where it's like, okay, we cannot add any more. For today's programme, we had to draw a line and remove a tweet because it was like overload. But yeah, big news going on with community spaces. If you guys are not familiar, there is a communities feature on Twitter, which we do have one for all things audio, I have one for Twitter smarter is such a neat feature is still not super mainstream yet. I don't think everybody knows that it exists yet. But the exciting news for those of us that are participating in different communities or have started our own is that spaces are being rolled out so we can start broadcasting rooms from our communities. What do you think of that? Suze? I think it's exciting news.

Suze Cooper 13:50

I think it is exciting. Yeah, I mean, you know, we're only just as you say, it's kind of very, very new. When you know, unsure how people might use it, all of that kind of thing just yet it says you know, they're starting this test, some admins and mods will be able to host spaces in their communities. I have to admit, one of the tweets that came out from Twitter communities earlier did have me a little bit confused, though. It says that anyone on Twitter can see and join a space started in communities, but only members of that community can reply to the space. Now I'm just wondering if anyone on Twitter can see and join it. I'm assuming they can join as a listener but not participate in it. But doesn't that kind of defeats the object of it being a community space? I know when we've discussed community spaces before, we've really spoken about it being content that is literally just for that community in terms of just speaking to those people who are already engaged with that content you're putting out on that community's feed? I don't know. I feel like either I've missed the point or they've missed the point. I'm not sure.

Madalyn Sklar 14:51

Yeah, I was a little confused when I had read that as well. So maybe once we do q&a later, somebody can come in and clarify. There was was a q&a earlier with a community space. And it was an hour long, I haven't had a chance to listen to the whole thing. But I do have it linked in the nest. And maybe that was addressed there. But I definitely would like to understand that a little bit better. But regardless, this is exciting news. If you are a fan of Twitter spaces, if you're in a community or a bunch of communities, or you're hosting your own communities, is being rolled out. But this this is a great direction for us to start having somewhat private spaces Suze because we've been talking about this for a while here in all things audio that we would love to have the ability to have spaces are not necessarily for everyone. But then again, that one tweet said that the public can see it. I really would like it to be close to just the community. I would like to see a little bit more private.

Suze Cooper 15:50

Yeah, I mean, I agree. And I think that's really what we expected it would be. So yeah, unless I've completely missed something somewhere, as far as I can tell, it would be open to anyone to join. And listen, I guess, you know, if you're trying to grow a community, you want to give them a taste of what it is that you're talking about in their the tweets that you might be offering within your community, I guess as a way of growing the community, maybe that's what they're thinking. But for me, I think I would rather it was, in addition to what's going on, in that communities, community already, you know, to have that extra layer of if you're already in here, you can join and participate in the space, but for it to just be limited to those people that have been accepted into the community. But yeah, I mean, it is really exciting. It is something that we have been talking about for a really long time. And it is that idea of sort of more private spaces, more kind of intimate conversations around topics. Yeah, I can't wait to see what happens. I mean, we've got the All Things audio space, we don't have the ability to spin up a community space there just yet. But yeah, as soon as we do, we'll certainly be letting people know. So if you're not in there in the community at the moment, then do please join.

Madalyn Sklar 17:08

Exactly. And in the nest, I do have a tweet from Twitter communities as the Twitter handles for Twitter communities, and it is a community called communities feedback with 3800 members, and that's where they hosted a space today for that community with the q&a. And so if you've not been part of the community, you want to see what it's all about, then, from this tweet, you can actually you should be able to join the community. And inside there is that that particular space that took place also have a separate tweet in the nest, specifically for that, so you can play back the recording, but I mean, as soon as I do you like that, like anyone can listen to it, even though like we're, I'm a member of this community, are you a member of the community's feedback group?

Suze Cooper 17:55

Um, I can't remember if I am or not, I know I'm a member of a few of them. Put it that way. But yeah, no, I'm not I'm not really up for it being listening to everybody. I want it to be just available for the community.

Madalyn Sklar 18:09

Yeah, and maybe that will come and maybe that was discussed today in this special space don't know. So maybe later Joselin will come up and fill us in because I know he was there. I brought I popped in briefly when it was live, but I didn't have time to stay. But there's also been some other tweets that I've got in the nest here. Legion had put out a tweet also about community spaces, saying that admins and moderators can host a space directly within the community I checked are all things audio, I checked my Twitter Smarter community and I do not have the ability to start spaces in either one of those communities yet. But it's good to know that admins and moderators can be the ones that can host and it makes you kind of rethink who your moderators are, because that's giving them a lot of power. And maybe you don't necessarily want a particular moderator to be able to do that.

Suze Cooper 19:03

Yeah, that's a really, really good point, isn't it? You need to make sure I mean, generally when you're giving out those, those mod responsibilities to people I, I guess, you know, we're sort of being very mindful of who might have that they've already then got access to, to running part of that, that community and being responsible for sort of managing it in a way but yeah, once it turns into spaces as well, that is another thing to consider when you're when you're the admin you know, handing over the responsibility to people so yeah, so that's a really good point, Madalyn. I mean, I like what Legion says here about the community name stays at the top and is clickable, which is something that Twitter's thought about throughout all of these throughout all of these different features that they've put out you know, the spaces title for example, you know, if you put a hashtag or at mentioned someone it's clickable, equally it will be in the in the community spaces as well, and also members of the community. So if you are a member And you're in there and you're listening, I think you get a special badge don't use. So it does show other people that you are a member of the community.

Madalyn Sklar 20:06

Yes. And I did see that when I was in that community. And actually, I definitely was a part of that community because I did see my badge come up when I was in there briefly live, but in the screenshot, you see that little icon next to the profile picture. So that's what it looks like.

Suze Cooper 20:20

Ah, so it's the outline of two little people. Is that the the little icon that shows you you're a member? Fantastic, nice.

Madalyn Sklar 20:29

Yeah. So really well thought out, I think for how they're making this look, when you're when you're in the room. I like that you can see who is a member who's not. So really good ideas here. There's also a tweet from Joselin with a screenshot of one that he was in called crypto and coffee, pointing out that yes, that will show the name of the community at the top of the page. That's super smart. And then you can see he's pointing to the badge icons. It's like a lit up blue with the outline of the two people. So yeah, I'm really impressed.

Suze Cooper 21:05

Yeah. And I mean, it's just incredible to see how Twitter's combining communities and spaces, I guess we were kind of aware that that was probably something that was going to happen, they kind of came along. I mean, spaces came along first. But they've been sort of running in parallel, and everyone has been sort of musing on how they could be brought together and whether they will be this is certainly the first steps into that. And Allesandro police sees next tweet that we we've got to speak about also kind of tells us just that little bit more again, it's a bit like being Sherlock Holmes and trying to unpick everything and work it all out from from what we can see. But what he's showing here is that Twitter is working on the ability to turn on notifications for communities. Now, if you look at the second tweet in this thread, one of those notifications you can turn on is for community spaces, audio chat. So you know that they're really thinking about again, you know, how they bring those two elements together. And it certainly seems to be happening, doesn't it?

Madalyn Sklar 22:03

Absolutely. I love the screenshot. I hopefully this will get launched pretty soon because it would be nice to be able to choose different types of notifications within the community, especially the audio chats. But this is just him showing us with the whole reverse engineering thing, what they're working on. I haven't seen that yet. But hopefully now that they are launching spaces in communities that this will be coming up very soon.

Suze Cooper 22:28

Yeah, I would, I would expect so. Our next tweet is one from our friend joseline Munna who is in the space today. Hi, there Joselin this is around being able to see the listener count. So new Twitter spaces feature alert, non recorded live stats listener counts to being displayed both when in or out of a space. But sometimes there's a bug where you're just looking at ellipses, so just a line of dots. And it's not showing people that have you noticed this Madalyn?

Madalyn Sklar 22:57

I have not seen that in this tweet from Joselin, if the room has not recorded, it seems to be that they're just gonna let you know how many are listening. Because if you look at the screenshot, I do a double take the first time I saw this tweet before it all made sense. So it's non recorded live spaces, and we always record ours. But if it's not recorded is when you are live is letting you know how many listening because that's what he's pointing out in the screenshot.

Suze Cooper 23:25

Okay, yeah, I think I've managed to twist it and not quite understand what it was maybe hopefully Joselin can tell us more about it in a minute. Our next one is a Twitter spaces tweet. What's this one Madalyn?

Madalyn Sklar 23:36

Yes. So this tweet came out the day after we hosted last week's room. So last week, when we were all here live. We were playing with the emojis because some of us took longer to get it than others looking at you hustling because he had that 100 forever. While we were all wishing we had it back. And it was first made available. These emoji reactions, new ones for Android and said iOS soon. And a lot of us on iOS were a little sad that we didn't have the 100 We're watching all of our Android friends using it. See, we're all going crazy with it now live in the room. I love it. So when we hosted this a week ago, Suze I realised Hey, we do have this. And this whole room blew up wasn't that fun, too. I wish somebody had taken a video screen share of that because I would have loved to just wow, you know, that would make a great gift of how our room exploded with gifts.

Suze Cooper 24:30

It was one of my favourite all things, audio moments actually watching all those one hundreds happen.

Madalyn Sklar 24:35

It was so much fun. It just showed you how geeky we are. But in a fun way. But the very next day spaces put out this tweet announcing that now it's available for everyone iOS and Android should now have it and it was probably just still rolling out. So I think we you know we were lucky enough to have it a week ago but by the next day, they're saying everyone should have it. So exciting news that we Have more to choose from I like we got the thumbs up and thumbs down. love having that 100 Like that the fifth came back. So it's exciting to see more choices. But I'm also with you Suze. I know last week, you mentioned this, and you've mentioned this in the past before, you would like it as a host to be able to pre select a certain group of the RIA emoji reactions, for the listeners to use. And I love that idea. I think that would be an excellent idea for them to do.

Suze Cooper 25:29

I still think a customizable palette would be nice. But I'm pleased that I've now got 10 That I can choose from. And you know, I'm glad to see there, there are a range as well of different emotions. So yeah, I'm really happy 100% There you go. There's one for you.

Madalyn Sklar 25:45

And another tweet from Twitter spaces was letting us know that soundboard experiment is now live for everyone on iOS. And so that's where you can do cute little sounds like the clapping and the telephone and a thumbs up? Thumbs down? I'm not a big fan of this. I don't really play with it. Much Do you play with this series? I mean, I know here each week, we don't really mess with it.

Suze Cooper 26:08

No, I've hardly used it - other than announcing it here and Joselin kind of playing with it and us having a go with it. I've really not used it. I mean, it's just not something that I think of to use at all. I guess if I was going to use sound, I would use it off the road caster, because that's the equipment that I've got. But yeah, I don't even think about the soundboard. I think it's quite interesting to see in this tweet that they're saying, you know, they're looking closely at which sounds we're liking and using the most to see where they'll go next with this feature, which I imagine means that you know, any that aren't being used, they're going to knock off the board. They're going to work out whether or not it's worth having the upload space and all that kind of thing. Interesting. But yeah, I mean, the voice change needs to go because that's just a waste of time. Yes, it needs to go. And it might give us bandwidth for something else, you know, that would be actually useful. The soundboard is fun. I mean, I've while I haven't used it, I also haven't heard it in anyone else is, which partly means that those fears we had about people going crazy with it and spoiling you know, spaces and things like that haven't been realised which is a good thing. But yeah, I'm not I'm not really a fan. I'm not sure why we need it.

Madalyn Sklar 27:24

Yeah, I agree. The only time it's ever used in any of the spaces, and I'm co hosting is on Thursdays for my Twitter smarter. I have a co host Christine Gritman. And she she did this on her own, but she's done it so brilliantly. So each week I introduced the guest do like a whole little paragraph talking about them. And then you know, please welcome to the chat, so and so and accuse her to do the applause. And she's been doing it perfectly the last several weeks. And the first time she did it, I was like, oh, okay, and it kind of threw me off. But now I'm liking it. Just that one sound. I think they have too many to choose from on here. So I like that they're saying they're going to be paying close attention to which ones that we're using or liking. And I agree, I think they're probably remove the ones that aren't being utilised. But I just feel like there's too many on here. And it just causes people to play with them.

Suze Cooper 28:22

I mean, I guess in the context that you've just mentioned it there. It's a great way of making an ear candy moment for people, you know, people will listen out for that, won't they, if they you know, it's kind of part of your space. It's almost like a bit of branding for it in a way. You know, you're waiting for that moment where they get the applause. And that's quite a neat way of injecting some audio energy into what you're doing without completely overdoing it. Yeah, I mean, I'm not saying it's not where I am saying it's not useful.

Madalyn Sklar 28:52

You kind of are but that's okay.

Suze Cooper 28:54

Yeah, I just, I just don't…

Madalyn Sklar 28:56

I don't think it's totally necessary. Yeah. Yeah.

Suze Cooper 29:00

I'm not in love with it.

Madalyn Sklar 29:01

It's okay. It's okay - but is it really necessary? I think that's what we're trying to say here. I saw this tweet from Matt Navara. And this actually is just a great reminder, if you have that new audio tab where they've incorporated spaces with podcasts. He says on this tweet that he ever forgets you can listen to podcast on Twitter and wondering if other people are using it. But then he also says, I just noticed this feedback feature for podcasts on Twitter. So if you are listening to a podcast in this new audio tab, there is a thumbs up and a thumbs down. And if you tap on one or the other, this pop up comes up like he would he shows him the screenshots and it says Read This Before giving feedback and let you know that up voting means will continue to recommend the host or show while down voting is permanent. It means you won't see that host or show in future audio recommendations and letting you also know that the feedback is Private and will not be shared. And that's really good to know. And until he had done this tweet, I kind of forgot about that thumbs up and thumbs down, and I had not actively used it. But now I'm like, you know, you and I've talked quite a bit about how discoverability has changed now that we have this new audio tab, we can't just do a search. But maybe we should be utilising the up voting and down voting more, and maybe that will kind of cause the algorithm to deliver us content in a better way.

Suze Cooper 30:30

I mean, I've got to admit, at one point last week, I thought they might actually banned me for using the app voting and down voting too much. I mean, I am, I've literally been down voting, and basically anything that autoplays that me the minute that I open the tab, so anything that's at the top, I don't want to hear it, because I didn't choose to hear it. But you know, I have been going through regularly and trying to see whether or not downvoting what I don't want to hear is making any difference. You know, it really doesn't seem to be making much difference. And I just I tend to go into the audio tab trying to be open minded about it. And I come out of the audio tab annoyed every single time. It really is frustrating. You know, I had a list of 10 spaces on my daily digest the other day, and three of them was someone testing. Now we've all done it. We've all spun up a space to test something. This guy was obviously trying out some music. But it took up three of the 10 spaces that were spotlighted on my daily digest. Why Why did it do that? I mean, yes, I'm following him. And he's following me. However, we've never had any back and forth interaction we've never DM and we've obviously seen each other somewhere and followed one another probably in a space. But yeah, I don't understand why three of my spots are taken up by one person whose spaces are all 30 seconds, two minutes long, trying something out and they're all titled test. Like Surely it would be quite easy to filter those out of serving them to someone on a on a playlist, when you've already got a limited selection.

Madalyn Sklar 32:06

That would make me just go unfollow the person. So that does not show up.

Suze Cooper 32:10

Yeah, I didn't unfollow because I figured it's not his fault. You know, he didn't know that he was going to show up in my list. But it's, you know, just, yeah, frustrating,

Madalyn Sklar 32:20

They could do better. They could do a lot better. They could, they could...

Suze Cooper 32:23

The longer this goes on and we can't search for what what's going on and what's live in the moment. The longer this tab just sits there it is really ruining those year 18 months of building up spaces as Twitter's audio offering why build up this amazing feature, and then knock it down in one fell swoop by not giving it the airtime that it needs so that everyone can see it. It just seems so backwards.

Madalyn Sklar 32:50

It really does. There's our opportunity to plug our favourite tool in its place even though it's not a paid sponsorship. I mean, that's just the place to go for discoverability so it's not even an issue.

Suze Cooper 33:03

Yeah, I mean, I said it earlier in this tweet, you've just popped it in the nest - great timing. You know, this says it all for me Twitter's Audio tab is like being invited to a buffet being given a set menu and told you can only have option A it's just so limiting, you know, down to a fault and yeah, it's broken. I'm not happy.

Madalyn Sklar 33:22

I love that tweet. So well said if they tell us what you really think Suze?

Suze Cooper 33:27

Yeah, I will to the point to the point.

Madalyn Sklar 33:29

Yeah, so a lot of a lot of Twitter spaces news today we have like one piece of Clubhouse news.

Suze Cooper 33:35

Yeah. And a hat tip to Michael for this one, Michael Sterling. Leading on really from what we've just spoken about with the the Twitter spaces soundboard being rolled out. Clubhouse working on a soundboard for its rooms. This will be taking advantage of the stereo capabilities they've got over there on clubhouse. So when you're on headphones, it's going to be a slightly different experience to what you might get over here on spaces. But yeah, obviously sound boards are all the rage and what every social app and platform need. I'm not so sure personally, but there you go clubhouse is doing it, too. And we'll see how that rolls out. So yeah, thanks, Michael for for tweeting that out and bringing it to our attention.

Madalyn Sklar 34:17

Yeah, really great piece of news to share. I'm excited about that makes me want to go jump on clubhouse. I like that I just pinned the nest. I I'm a little slow to checking the chat tweets during this room. But Don Covin did a tweet 15 minutes ago saying he thinks they said in the q&a for the community space, that the intent initially is to use this as a tool to help grow communities. That's why they're open to everyone. That makes sense.

Suze Cooper 34:46

Yeah. I mean, as I said, you know, I can kind of see it as a growth tool. I would really like to think that either running alongside that in future or instead of we do get those closed community private spaces that we have been looking for, but You know, as with everything, Twitter has been doing things iteratively, you know, stepping stones, it's trying stuff out and then pulling stuff back. And, you know, sometimes not pulling it back quick enough, I'm looking at your audio tab. But still, you know, they are trying different things out and seeing what works and what doesn't and what sticks. So I can see how that would be a good tool to draw more people into a community. So yeah, Thanks, Don. That's a really great thought that you've added there in the spaces chat.

Madalyn Sklar 35:28

See Morgan's here with us.

Morgan Evetts 35:30

What a day! Couple of tiny little details. something I thought was really nice as this the announcement tweet was a co tweet between the Twitter spaces account and the high community's account. So I thought that was a really nice detail, that kind of signals something, one of the kind of deeper small things that came out and it was about halfway through that, see at work started talking about the role that decentralising moderation played here. And I think this is probably fairly straightforward. But to hear it stressed was was interesting that by putting spaces in communities, what you're doing is you're giving power to the the admins of that community to run it as they see fit. So this is part of the answer to moderation problems of public spaces in general. And I think this is an important angle. So you're, you're decentralising that away from this large central corridor of public spaces, two spaces that live in communities and have their own kind of community code of conduct. And we know that high communities that there are rules that you agree to when you sign up, and the community can set what those are. So I think that's a really interesting aspect of this kind of, it's not the only reason you do there's all sorts of reasons, but I think that's an important one.

Suze Cooper 36:53

And also a parallel to the rooms that are happening over on clubhouse as well.

Morgan Evetts 36:57

Yeah, the same move is happening there. So the houses strategy is very much about they talked about it as breaking clubhouse up into lots of little club houses. Now, this is also a decentralising move in some regards. Yeah. And, and trust, in some respects as well, trust and safety is still managed by the platform. Of course, if you break Twitter's rules about hate speech, for example, then Twitter deals with that. But other kinds of infractions would be dealt with by by the admins. And that's the case on houses on top house, too.

Suze Cooper 37:32

Yeah, so super interesting how both platforms are kind of doing it in their own way.

Morgan Evetts 37:38

Yeah. I mean, you, you mentioned the other part, which is that anybody can These are public, that anybody can see and join the community space. So in some ways, I don't want to make too much of this. But if these feel more like, if I'm to make the comparison, that it's clubs on the clubhouse, so these are rooms that are public, that members can join, rather than things that are closed, and only members can can see and take part in. And I think you're the person who tweeted the replay mentioned. And I think this is right, that this is really about being able to grow those communities. So part of this is is helping people who are out to build communities and grow them. But part of it, I think, is helping high communities as a feature in general. So to help these communities, be discoverable, recruit members, and hopefully improve some of the engagement that they they see. So it's, it's this this question about getting liquidity. If you have enough members and you, you try and engage them regularly, and you start spaces and things then then community bonds will start to form and that's, that's what you want. I mean, there are some problems with that, too. But that's, that's one of the strategies.

Suze Cooper 38:57

Yeah, really well explained. Thanks, Morgan. That's great. I can see Michael - Michael, you're here with us. Hello. How are you?

Michael Sterling 39:05

Hello. Good to see you all I came to the stage to follow up on the soundboard coming to clubhouse. And all your points are well taken about the you know how relevant it is to have, you know, a sad trombone sound or something. But the one thing that separates clubhouse a soundboard from the Twitter soundboard is that clubhouse will actually have an ability for moderators to play music as well. So it's unclear yet like how expansive the library will be but they did mention at the town hall yesterday that they will have copyright free or you know rights free music that a moderator can choose from to play in the room. And because clubhouse does have stereo sound, those will come through in stereo for anybody who's listening on stereo speakers or their phone if it's turned sideways or headphones. So Um, that is one thing Twitter has not done yet is given users the ability to play music. So I thought that was kind of interesting.

Suze Cooper 40:07

Yeah, I'm totally here for that. Because I'm ready to take the sonic branding calls people, you know, when you when you want to brand up your space with some music when we're allowed to do it, you know where to come? So, yeah, I mean, I'm all for that. Absolutely. And I can see that that is, you know, it's something I speak to people about pretty much daily at the moment is how we brand things sonically, and how we make sure that all the different places people are hearing us they know who they're listening to, from the off from the outset, I mean, you know, I keep, I play the All Things audio bed at the beginning of this space, I need to actually adapt that because it works for the podcast, but it doesn't necessarily work in the space because it's so repetitive, you know. So it's thinking about different things like that, and how you use the music, I can see over on clubhouse that's great that they're going to have that, you know, ability to pick and choose from a library, I wonder, you know, instantly my brain is going crazy over like, well, how big will that library be, there'll be some people who really want to use a piece of music and will brand themselves around that piece of music. But then you go into four other rooms that day, and you hear the same piece of music, and suddenly, it's not yours, you know? So yep. When that happens, people, you know where I am?

Madalyn Sklar 41:20

Right? Well, thanks for sharing that. My goal. That's great to know about it. Next up is Joselin

Joselin Mane 41:28

Que Pasa, Que Pasa, there's a lot of things to discuss, which one would you like to set up

Madalyn Sklar 41:33

All of the above start with the first one?

Joselin Mane 41:36

Hot off the presses, community spaces. Yeah, there was a code tweet that came out between, and they, they had a little dilemma as to who should announce this space or whatever. Anyway. So there are from my understanding five things. For community spaces. One is the admin and mod started pretty straightforward badges. We've talked about that. Links to the community. So right where it says record, if you are hosting this from your community, the community name would appear right next to the record. And we'll get into that whole linking number to the non recorded spaces later that I mentioned that you are confused about. So the third, or the fourth thing that wasn't hasn't been really talked about much is there's a different colour of the space in the spaces bar, I think I sent that to you an image of it. Now, the colour isn't always different enough for you to tell. So when you were looking at that particular space that was hosted by the community's feedback community, he was like a light purple. And it was very similar to the already existing purple that we're accustomed to seeing, which is probably why it didn't stand out much. But the space that was earlier put together by the crypto and coffee community, that was a distinctive colour. And again, it had to do most likely with a background of the avatar that was used to create the space. So there is that differentiator. And also something that wasn't really talked about is that only the members can actually go into the spaces chat and reply or the spaces reply. And I know you guys love the entity name, so adhere to that entity name that you guys love. Anyway. So that's a thing that wasn't really discussed. And at first to I was looking to create more exclusivity with the community members, and then being able to kind of have more precedence, which they do with the badge and to be the ability to speak into, or contribute to the replies area. But I do like the fact that, you know, if a celebrity jumps into a space, which is the example that they gave, they should be able to speak or contribute. And that should be able to help transition, the people that are listening to get a taste of your community to then go join the community by clicking on the tab at the top, which probably needs to be highlighted by the host or the moderator that that is running the space, because it's not so obvious that you would go ahead and click those types of things. So this is something new that any community admin or moderator needs to do, I do want to give a special shout out to Anj. Similar to myself, we've been running our own community spaces in different ways prior to the feature being built in. And if you notice by engine and if you could put like 100 or something so people could identify you in the space for an orange shirt. So you notice that there's a ring around her particular avatar. So what she does in her community spaces is she's designed some templates for each one of the community members on and off platform to identify different levels. So the admins and mods have a one particular colour ring, and then just the regular members have a different colour ring. And if they're on off platform on Patreon, they have different levels there and they want to identify those members. So Those people are like fully fledged members of their community, which makes a lot of sense. For me, I'm not sure if I would want that, because that's very similar to when you go into clubhouse and you change avatar just to be in that room. That's kind of just too much work for me. So I think that's pretty cool. And I wish that they would do the same thing with the little badges and the community spaces is to have like different colours, you could still look at it. In the, if you look at the guest list, which is if you look at the little people icon, that's called the guest list or the guest management area. So if you look, now you see who's following you, you see the label and who's not following you. For the community spaces, you see an admin, and you see the mod, and you see the member, you see those three specific items there. So I'm going to stop because I've said a lot. And I just want to make sure that stuff is clear.

Madalyn Sklar 45:55

That was a lot of clarification. Thank you for all that information. And I'm glad you mentioned the spacebar seeing the different colour, because earlier, Morgan was DM-ing us like - do you all see the same thing I'm seeing with this different colour? And everything looked the same to me. But that makes such sense. So that those would stand out as being a community space. Thank you. Thank you for clarifying that.

Joselin Mane 46:18

And yeah, so there's an admin, there's a mod and there's a member, those are the three labels that are associated with community spaces. Yeah, so anything else Suze?

Suze Cooper 46:31

Yeah, yeah. Tell me about these non recorded live stats that I've got myself in a muddle with.

Joselin Mane 46:36

Oh, yeah. So yeah. I tried to give out a hashtag that kind of summarised it but yeah, so for recorded spaces. Right now we don't see the number. We just see it's being recorded. I just started noticing it last weekend. And I noticed that there was not a people kind of talking about it. So I waited until like Monday, just to see who's still active. So I just caught it in the weekend. And I'm generally not on the weekend. So on non recorded spaces, you will see the number prior to you entering into the space. Sometimes the number won't appear. So the first indication is it says it's live, which I thought that was kind of very interesting that it would say live, I guess people did not trying to confuse people would record his basis. I'm not sure it just kind of to separate them. Not sure why that was included there. So I saw that. And then I saw the number of PA which I thought was pretty awesome sauce. And then sometimes I would see the the little ellipses, I guess that's what you call it the three dots. So there seems to be working on that a little bit more. The other thing that hasn't been discussed is if you're not following the host. After a few minutes, you'll get a prompt from the bottom of the screen from the bottom of the space. Giving an indication Hey, do you want to follow the host? And it's a it's a nice reminder to follow the host, which is great if you grow Madalyn because you have a bunch of spaces on audits or whatever. And people might not know, hey, yeah, I need to follow Madalyn or I need to follow suit because of all things audio. Cool. And it's just a gentle reminder of you know, if you're not following the host, because sometimes we'll get a boost of people coming into this space. And if they don't, then they're not going to know to follow you right away, because they're so enthralled with the conversation and then the space and you're like, Oh yeah, you know, I forgot to follow the holes and, or the space crashes, then it's just like, Oh, where do I find this person again? So I thought that was a pretty cool thing. So was that a little clearer?

Suze Cooper 48:31

Yeah. So essentially, that's what you're seeing. If you're not seeing record, where it says record at the moment with the red glowy dot? Because you're not recording it. You'll see live and account. Yes, all making perfect sense. Thank you so much. joseline.

Madalyn Sklar 48:45

Last up is George. Hey, George, how's it going?

George Silverman 48:48

Hey, how are you? I am incredibly excited about spaces for communities. And I wanted to share with people a use case for it that they should really think about. And that is the following. I was down on communities, I didn't see a great purpose for it. Most of my tweets, I would rather have go out to everybody rather than a more limited community. There is an exception, I've been asking for spaces for communities since communities got started. In fact, some spaces got started, even before communities. And it's for this reason, many of us including me, have a technology or a domain or a body of knowledge that they're getting across to people. My case is mine skills. Now every time I do a space, I have to start with mine skills one on one I have to explain what mine skills are. I have to take it as if somebody has only heard about it just now. And that's a real problem. Because I want to do a advanced stuff. And it's difficult to, to to, to just do an advanced thing to everybody, because everybody shows up. So that the I can do now spaces for the mind skills community. For instance, today or tomorrow I'm writing, putting forth an article on my problem solving technique comes from 50 years of studying problem solving. So there'll be there is a mind skills problem solving method. So I want to, in the future, I'm going to be doing plenty of spaces on this method, introducing the method, giving examples. But I want to do advanced problem solving, that will be only for the mind skills community, the assumption is going to be they have studied the technology of mind skills, they've studied my methodology, that's going to be the given in my community groups, and all that will be explained in the beginning. So you know, if you don't, if you're not up on it, go read the article, go read the chapter in my book. But it will only be an intermediate to advanced space. So that's the the idea. I said, Donna's not here anymore. But she was here, she's got a specialised kinds of things. Dr. M, has specialised things in AI, they're gonna be all kinds of people who are going to come up with intermediate to advanced spaces only for within the community.

Madalyn Sklar 51:29

Right. But how do you feel about community spaces being able to be listened to by the public?

George Silverman 51:35

That's fine, as far as I'm concerned? Because good question. Because it's fine, as far as I'm concerned, because it's, it's, it's going to be revealed and repeated, this is intermediate to advanced this, this assumes a context, if you don't have the context, it's up, it's pinned in the nest, go up there, follow the link and, and get up on it, and then re listen to this on the replay. And you'll get more out of it. So I'll keep repeating that during the spaces. So that's treating people with respect, it's respecting their, their level of knowledge, it's helping to onboard them. But there'll be some, I would assume Dr. Anna's gonna do some on advanced AI things. For people who are all actively using AI. And that doesn't have to be, you know, you'd have to explain to somebody what GPT3 is, or what the text to to, to image technology are, and all that stuff. It'll be there, it'll be able to, he'll be able to discuss advanced prompting and things like that, that, you know, and he wants to explain what prompting is, to AI. So that's, that's going to be a very exciting kind of thing. I see if they see Dr. J's back. She's going to be able to run sessions now for our community. She has one on remember yesterday. That assumes a certain context of knowledge. And it'll be able to be incredibly more valuable. So this is really exciting development. I did not want to do it through super follows. I qualify for Super follows. never turned it on because I don't I don't want it. I don't want super follows. I want everybody to have access, but at different levels of, of knowledge. So this is an amazing advance.

Madalyn Sklar

Thank you to all of our speakers who came on and shared so much great stuff. And we're available and all of your favourite podcast apps were out there all things audio, you can also go to all things audio as well,

Suze Cooper

You certainly can. And you can catch us here on Twitter and use the hashtag all things audio, and we'll pick that up throughout the week. So that's it for this week. But thank you so much to everyone that's been here in the space with us and those of you listening, and we'll catch up with you next week. Bye, everybody.

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